Pontifical Lateran University

The university also hosts the central session of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family.[1] In 1981 Pope John Paul II founded, in the university, the Pontifical Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, which has the right to confer academic degrees.Pope Francis modified its mission in September 2017, renaming it the John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences.In 2018 Vincenzo Buonomo, a professor of international law and a consultant to the Holy See since the 1980s, was appointed rector of the Pontifical Lateran University by Pope Francis.In October 2021 Pope Francis established an interdisciplinary study cycle on Ecology and the Environment with a UNESCO chair on "the future of education for sustainability".A new building for the housing of the library and reading room was built and officially inaugurated by Pope Benedict XVI on 21 October 2007.
Pontifical Lateran University.
PublicCatholicPontificalRectorHoly SeeAngelo De DonatisItalianpontifical universityPontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and FamilyVicar General to the Holy Father for the Diocese of RomePope Clement XIVsuppressed the Society of JesusDiocese of RometheologyphilosophyPope Leo XIIJesuitsRoman CollegePius IXCanon LawCivil lawPius XIBasilica of St. John LateranPope Pius XIIPope John XXIIIPope John Paul IIPope FrancisJohn Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Marriage and Family SciencesCamillo RuiniAgostino ValliniUmberto BettiO.F.M.Angelo ScolaSalvatore FisichellaEnrico dal CovoloUtriusque IurisVillanova UniversityLaureaSaint FrancisFriars Minor ConventualBachelor of Sacred TheologyLicentiate of Sacred TheologyPontifical universitieshigher educationAngelicumAntonianumGregorianaSalesianumSanta CroceUrbanianaAnselmianumRegina ApostolorumMarianumSeraphicumTeresianumArab and Islamic StudiesJohn Paul IISacred MusicAlphonsianumAugustinianumBiblicumClaretianumOrientaliumAcademiesSciencesSocial SciencesArchaeologyFine Arts and Letters of the Virtuosi al PantheonMartyrsSt. Thomas AquinasArcadiaImmaculate ConceptionEcclesiasticalPastorale UniversitariaPontifical CollegesSacred LiturgyApostolicepiscopal seeFrancisbishopSovereignty and governmentVatican CitySovereign judicial entityinternational lawHistoryApostolic seePrimacy of PeterHistory of papal primacyPatrimony of Saint PeterOld St. Peter's BasilicaLateran PalaceMuseumDuchy of RomeDonation of SutriDonation of PepinAvignon PapacyPapal StatesTemporal powerInvestiture ControversyAge of RevolutionPrisoner in the VaticanSavoyard eraLateran TreatyWorld War IIWarsaw PactSovereignjudicial entityinternationallawLegal statusOfficialsCardinal Secretary of StatePietro ParolinCardinalsAdvisersGovernanceSecretariat of StateCollege of CardinalsPapal conclaveGovernmentRoman CuriaApostolic CameraCommissionsFor Vatican City StateCouncilsCongregationsDicasteriesForeign affairsMultilateral policySection for Relations with StatesTo the Holy SeeOf the Holy SeeUnited NationsPermanent Observerin GenevaEuropean UnionPermanent Observer to the Council of EuropeApostolic nunciatureNuncioTreatiesConcordatsDioceseof Romeuniversalfull communionPapal primacySynodsEcclesiasticalprovince of RomeVicariateSuburbicarian seesVelletri-SegniPorto-Santa RufinaFrascatiPalestrinaAlbanoSabina-Poggio MirtetoTerritorial abbeysMontecassinoSubiacoSuffragan diocesesAnagni-AlatriCivita CastellanaCivitavecchia-TarquiniaFrosinone-Veroli-FerentinoLatina-Terracina-Sezze-PrivernoSora-Cassino-Aquino-PontecorvoTivoliViterboPropertiesextra-territorialityMajor basilicasSt. Peter's BasilicaArchbasilica of Saint John LateranBasilica of Saint Mary MajorBasilica of Saint Paul Outside the WallsScala SanctaSancta SanctorumPalace of Saint CallixtusGianicoloPontifical Urban UniversityPontifical North American CollegeBambino Gesù HospitalPalazzo della CancelleriaPalace of the Congregation for the Evangelization of PeoplesPalace of the Holy OfficePalace of the Congregation for the Oriental ChurchesPalace of the VicariatePontifical Minor Roman SeminaryCollegio TeutonicoTeutonic CemeteryBeda CollegePaul VI Audience HallHoly ApostlesSan Carlo ai CatinariPontifical Oriental InstitutePontifical Lombard SeminaryRussian CollegeSant'ApollinarePapal Palace of Castel GandolfoBarberiniPontificio Collegio Urbano de Propaganda FideVatican RadioBasilica of the Holy HouseBasilica of Saint Francis of AssisiBasilica of Saint Anthony of PaduaActa Apostolicae SedisAwardsPapal householdPeter's PenceRoman RotaApostolic PenitentiaryApostolic SignaturaSwiss GuardKU Eichstätt-IngolstadtKH FreiburgKH MainzUniGreUniCattTilburg UniversityCEU HerreraDeustoComillasCEU San PabloKU LeuvenUCLouvainPartiumKU Ružomberok