Phnom Sruoch District

Phnom Sruoch (Khmer: ភ្នំស្រួច [pʰnom sruəc]) is a district located in Kampong Speu Province in central Cambodia.The largest surface of Kirirom National Park is part of Phnom Sruoch District, Kampong Speu, while another section is in neighboring Koh Kong Province.[2] The Kirirom National Park is located in the eastern part of the Cardamom Mountains, about 112 km from Phnom Penh.The road from Phnom Penh to Kampong Som runs along the southern boundary of the park.Among the animals in the park, the following deserve mention: Asian elephant, deer, gaur, banteng, leopard, spotted linsang, pileated gibbon and tiger.
Wild gaur
DistrictCountryCambodiaProvinceKampong SpeuCommunesTime zoneGeocodeKhmer scriptKampong Speu ProvinceKirirom National ParkKoh Kong ProvinceCardamom MountainsPhnom PenhKampong SomAsian elephantbantengleopardspotted linsangpileated gibbonWayback MachineChbar MonBasedthChbar Mon MunicipalityKong PiseiOdongkSamraong TongThpongDistricts, Municipalities, and Khans of CambodiaChamkar MonChbar AmpovChroy ChangvarDangkaoDoun PenhMean CheyPrampir MakaraPrek PnovPou SencheyRussey KeoSen SokTuol KoukBoeng Keng KangKamboulBanteay MeancheyMongkol BoreyPhnom SrokPoipet MunicipalityPreah Net PreahOu ChrovThma PuokSerei Saophoan MunicipalitySvay ChekBattambangBattambang MunicipalityThma KoulAek PhnomMoung RusseiRatanak MondulSangkaeSamloutSampov LounPhnom ProekKamriengKoas KralaRukhak KiriKampong ChamBatheayChamkar LeuCheung PreyKampong Cham MunicipalityKampong SiemKang MeasKoh SotinPrey ChhorSrey SanthorSteung TrangKampong ChhnangBaribourChol KiriKampong Chhnang MunicipalityKampong LeaengKampong TralachRolea B'ierSamaki Mean CheyTeuk PhosKong PiseyKampong ThomKampong SvayStueng Saen MunicipalityPrasat BalangkPrasat SambourSandanSantukSteungKampotAngkor CheyBanteay MeasChhoukChum KiriDang TongKampong TrachKampot MunicipalityTuek ChhouKandalKandal StuengKien SvayKhsach KandalKaoh ThumLeuk DaekLvea AemMukh KampulAngk SnuolPonhea LueuTa Khmau MunicipalityDamnak Chang'aeurKep MunicipalityKoh KongBotum SakorKiri SakorKhemarak Phoumin MunicipalityMondol SeimaSrae AmbelThma BangKratiéChhloungKratié MunicipalityPrek PrasabSambourChetr BoreiMondulkiriKaeo SeimaKoh NheaekOu ReangPich ChendaSenmonorom MunicipalityOddar MeancheyAnlong VengBanteay AmpilChong KalSamraong MunicipalityTrapeang PrasatPailinPailin MunicipalitySala KrauPreah VihearChey SaenChhaebChoam KhsantKulaenRoviengSangkom ThmeiTbaeng MeancheyPreah Vihear MunicipalityPursatKandiengKrakorPhnom KravanhPursat MunicipalityVeal VeaengTalou Sen CheyPrey VengBa PhnomKamchay MearKampong TrabaekKanhchriechMe SangPeam ChorPeam RoPea ReangPreah SdachPrey Veng MunicipalityPou RiengSithor KandalSvay AntorRatanakiriAnduong MeasBanlung MunicipalityBar KaevKoun MomLumphatOu ChumOu Ya DavTa VeaengVeun SaiSiem ReapAngkor ChumAngkor ThomBanteay SreiChi KraengKralanhPrasat BakongSiem Reap MunicipalitySout NikomSrei SnamSvay LeuSihanoukvilleKampong SeilaPrey NobSihanoukville MunicipalitySteung HavStung TrengSiem BoukSiem PangStung Treng MunicipalityThala BorivatBorei O’Svay Sen CheySvay RiengBavet MunicipalityChantreaKampong RouRomeas HaekRumduolSvay ChrumSvay Rieng MunicipalitySvay TeabTakéoAngkor BoreiBorei CholsarDoun Kaev MunicipalityKaoh AndaetKiri VongPrey KabbasSamraŏngTram KakTreangTboung KhmumDambaeKrouch ChhmarOu Reang OvPonhea KraekSuong Municipality