Phloretic acid

Phloretic acid is an organic compound with the formula HOC6H4(CH2)2CO2H.The compound contains both phenol and carboxylic acid functional groups.It is sometimes called Desaminotyrosine (DAT) because it is identical to the common alpha amino acid tyrosine except for the absence of the amino functional group on the alpha carbon.[1] It is found in the rumen of sheep fed with dried grass.[4] It is one of the products of flavonoid metabolism performed by the bacterium Clostridium orbiscindens, a resident of some human intestinal tracts.
Chemical structure of phloretic acid
Preferred IUPAC nameCAS NumberChemSpiderECHA InfoCardEC NumberPubChemCompTox DashboardSMILESChemical formulaMolar massMelting pointstandard stateorganic compoundphenolcarboxylic acidtyrosinep-coumaric acidphloroglucinolphloretin hydrolasephloretinPolyestersflavonoidEsmolol