Phallus hadriani

P. hadriani may be distinguished from the similar P. impudicus (the common stinkhorn) by the presence of a pink or violet-colored volva at the base of the stem, and by differences in odor.The species was first described scientifically by the French botanist Étienne Pierre Ventenat in 1798,[4] and sanctioned by Christiaan Hendrik Persoon under that name in his 1801 Synopsis Methodica Fungorum.[2] The specific epithet hadriani is named after the Dutch botanist Hadrianus Junius (1512–1575),[7] who wrote a pamphlet on stinkhorn mushrooms in 1564 (Phalli, ex fungorum genere, in Hollandiae sabuletis passim crescentis descriptio).[11] Phallus hadriani is known to be in Australia (where it is thought to be an introduced species imported on woodchip mulch used in gardening and landscaping),[15] North America,[12] Europe (including Denmark,[18] Ireland,[19] Latvia,[20] The Netherlands,[21] Norway,[22] Poland,[23] Slovakia,[24] Sweden,[25] Ukraine,[26] and Wales[27]) Turkey (Iğdır Province),[13] Japan,[28] and China (Jilin Province).[16] In Great Britain, its distribution is more or less restricted to coastal dunes,[30] while in Poland, it has been noted to avoid humid and humic forest soils, and live in symbiosis with xerophilous grasses and the black locust tree, Robinia pseudoacacia.[32] Regarding the edibility of mature specimens, one author commented on the genus in general, "No one with his sense of smell developed would think of eating the members of this group.
A cross-section of the immature egg-form
The pink volva is what remains of the tough outer covering of the immature egg.
Scientific classificationEukaryotaBasidiomycotaAgaricomycetesPhallalesPhallaceaePhallusBinomial nameSynonymsDe ToniMycological characteristicsGlebalhymeniumSpore printsaprotrophicediblefungusfruit bodyP. impudicusintroduced speciesdescribed scientificallyÉtienne Pierre VentenatsanctionedChristiaan Hendrik PersoonChristian Gottfried Daniel Nees von EsenbecksynonymIndex FungorumBerkeleyspecific epithetHadrianus JuniusrhizomorphsmyceliumvioletssporeshyalinebasidiasterigmataPhallus impudicusP. raveneliiAustraliawoodchipNorth AmericaEuropeIğdır ProvinceJilin ProvincesaprobicGreat BritainxerophilousRobinia pseudoacaciaprotectedRed Data BookAudubonSyracuse University PressSvensk Botanisk TidskriftIrish Naturalists' JournalWikidataAusFungiFloraBaseiNaturalistIndexFungorumMycoBankNatureServeObservation.orgOpen Tree of LifeSpeciesFungorum