
Personalismo is a cult of personality built around Latin American and African political leaders in personalist dictatorships.[2] Many political parties in the region have been made up of personal supporters of a particular leader, as is apparent from the colloquial names of their members.Although personalismo is quite common throughout Latin American history, it has been a particular part of the political systems of the Dominican Republic and Ecuador.[3] Personalismo is closely linked to the Latin American caudilismo phenomenon, where states are dominated by leaders (caudillos) whose power leans on violence and, on the other hand, personal charisma.However, caudilismo remained a common phenomenon until the 20th century, either as Peronism-like populist movements or as direct military dictatorships.
cult of personalityLatin AmericanAfricanPartido JusticialistaPeronistsJuan PerĂ³nFidel CastroCastristas" or "Fidelistas"Dominican RepublicEcuadorcaudillosPeronismpopulistmilitary dictatorships