Perseus Books Group

Perseus Books Group was an American publishing company founded in 1996 by investor Frank Pearl.[1] Perseus acquired the trade publishing division of Addison-Wesley (including the Merloyd Lawrence imprint) in 1997.[1] In January 2007, the Perseus Books Group purchased Avalon Publishing Group, the parent company of Carroll & Graf and Thunder's Mouth Press;[6] the purchaser folded both imprints and stopped publishing books under those names in May 2007.[7] In 2014, following the bankruptcy auction of Good Books assets, Skyhorse Publishing sold the Mayo Clinic line to Perseus.[8] After the death of Frank Pearl, Perseus was sold to Centre Lane Partners in 2015, a private equity firm.
Avalon BooksParent companyLagardère SCAUnited StatesNew York CityNew YorkDavid SteinbergerImprintspublishingAddison-WesleyRandom HousePublishers WeeklyPublishers Group WestCarroll & GrafSkyhorse PublishingMayo Clinicprivate equity firmHachette Book GroupIngram Content GroupHachette BooksDa Capo PressMoon PublicationsRick StevesBasic BooksDaCapoRunning PressPublicAffairsNation BooksBlack Square EditionsCarroll & Graf PublishersFour Walls Eight WindowsMarlowe & CompanySeal PressCounterpoint PressCounterpoint LLCWeinstein BooksWestviewTaylor & FrancisRoutledgeThe New York TimesAssociation of American PublishersLouis Hachette GroupLagardèreLagardèrePublishingHachette LivreArmand ColinCalmann-LévyDallozEdelsaFayardGautier-LanguereauGrassetHatierLarousseLibrairie Générale FrançaiseJC LattèsHachetteBook GroupGrand CentralLittle, BrownMulholland BooksDa CapoBlack Dog & LeventhalHachette UKHeadlineHodder & StoughtonCoronetYellow KiteGalore ParkTeach YourselfJohn MurrayHodder FaithChambersMichel Thomas MethodTwo RoadsConstable & RobinsonMulhollandViragoSphereCassell IllustratedConran OctopusHamlynMitchell BeazleyPhilip'sOrion BooksWeidenfeld & NicolsonGollanczQuercusBookoutureHachette IndiaLagardèreNewsHachetteFilipacchiLe Journal du DimancheDelta RadioEurope 1Jacaranda FMRadio ZETVIBE FMEurope 2Lagardère Live EntertainmentHDS RetailLS Travel Retail Asia PacificParadies LagardèreFemme ActuelleGeo (France)National Geographic (France)CapitalHarvard Business Review FranceScholastic Corporation