
However, the unison was questioned by Zarlino as an interval for lacking contrast and compared to a point in geometry:Equality is never found in consonances or intervals, and the unison is to the musician what the point is to the geometer.[2]In orchestral music unison can mean the simultaneous playing of a note (or a series of notes constituting a melody) by different instruments, either at the same pitch; or in a different octave, for example, cello and double bass (all'unisono).marks a point where an instrumental section, typically the first violins, is to be divided into two groups for rendering passages that might, for example, include full chords.At the point where the first violins no longer play divisi, the score may indicate this with unison (abbrev.Homophony is when choir members sing different pitches but with the same rhythm.
Perfect unison Play
" Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star " melody doubled in unison. Play clarinet & pizz. violin
"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" melody doubled in four octaves. Play piano
Unison (disambiguation)musical partsintervalsoctaveshomorhythmInverseoctaveSemitonesInterval classJust intervalJust intonationintervalsecondhalf stepstimbresmusical instrumentswaveformsfrequencyharmonicsnear unisonZarlinoTwinkle, Twinkle, Little Starmelodydouble bassdivisichordsmonophonicvocal rangesHomophonyPolyphonysynthesizersoscillatorsList of musical intervalsList of pitch intervalsRushton, JulianGrove Music OnlineApel, WilliTwelve-semitonefourthseventhunisoneleventhtwelfththirteenthfourteenthfifteenth24-tone equal temperamentNeutralquarter tonemajor fourthminor fifthJust intonations7-limitseptimal quarter toneseptimal third toneseptimal chromatic semitoneseptimal diatonic semitonesupermajor secondsubminor thirdsupermajor thirdsubminor fifthsupermajor fourthsubminor seventhHigher-limitminor diatonic semitoneMicrotone5-limitPseudo-octavePythagorean intervalSubminor and supermajorPythagorean limmaPythagorean apotomeMajor limmaUndecimal quarter toneCommasPythagorean commaSyntonic commaHoldrian commaSeptimal commaLesser diesisGreater diesisSeptimal diesisDiaschismaSemicommaSeptimal semicommaKleismaSeptimal kleismaSchismaBreedsmaRagismaMillioctaveSavartDitoneSemiditoneIncomposite interval