Patellar plexus

The patellar plexus is a nerve plexus within the subcutaneous tissue overlying and surrounding the patella[1][2] and ligamentum patellae.[1] It is a fine network of communicating nerve fibres.[2] It is formed by the anterior division of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, terminal branches of the intermediate femoral cutaneous nerve, terminal branches of the medial femoral cutaneous nerve, and the infrapatellar branch of saphenous nerve.This neuroanatomy article is a stub.You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.
Anatomical terms of neuroanatomynerve plexuspatellaligamentum patellaelateral femoral cutaneous nerveintermediate femoral cutaneous nervemedial femoral cutaneous nervesaphenous nerveNerveslumbosacral plexusLumbar plexusiliohypogastriclateral cutaneous branchanterior cutaneous branchilioinguinalanterior scrotal ♂labial ♀genitofemoralfemoral branchgenital branchLateral cutaneous obturatoranteriorcutaneousposterioraccessoryfemoralanterior cutaneous branchessaphenousinfrapatellarmedial crural cutaneoussacral plexussciaticcommon fibular lateral sural cutaneouscommunicating branchdeep fibularlateral terminal branchmedial terminal branchdorsal digitalsuperficial fibularmedial dorsal cutaneousintermediate dorsal cutaneoustibialmedial sural cutaneousmedial calcanealmedial plantarcommon plantar digital nervesproper plantar digitallateral plantardeep branchsuperficial branchcommon plantar digitallateral dorsal cutaneouslateral calcanealsuperior glutealinferior gluteallateral rotator groupto quadratus femoristo obturator internusto the piriformisposterior cutaneous of thighinferior clunealperineal branchesperforating cutaneouscoccygeal plexuspudendalinferior analperinealposterior scrotal♂labial♀dorsal of the penis♂clitoris♀anococcygealNerve supply of the human legneuroanatomy