Olivetti P6060

It was presented in April 1975 by the Italian manufacturer Olivetti at the Hannover fair alongside the smaller P6040 that stored data on proprietary 2.5-inch mylar floppies called Minidisk (3 KB).The engineering team that devised the P6060 wanted to enclose into the machine everything the user would need, by integrating not only the printer but also the floppy drive.Its central processing unit was on two cards, code named PUCE1 and PUCE2, with TTL components.It was in competition with a similar product by IBM that had an external floppy disk drive.The assembly line was located in the Olivetti factories of Scarmagno, some modules forming subsets of the machine as a printer or floppy disks were manufactured at plants in San Bernardo d'Ivrea.
OlivettiOperating systemKeyboardOlivetti P6040Olivetti P6066personal computerfloppy diskHannoverfloppiesMinidiskMuseo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia "Leonardo da Vinci"printerScarmagnoSan Bernardo d'IvreaCamillo OlivettiAdriano OlivettiFranco TatòFranco AlbiniGetulio AlvianiGae AulentiMario BelliniNatale CapellaroGianni ColomboCarlo De BenedettiMichele De LucchiEgon EiermannIgnazio GardellaFranca HelgJames IrvineLouis KahnBruno MunariCostantino NivolaMarcello NizzoliPier Giorgio PerottoGiovanni PintoriCarlo ScarpaPiero ScaruffiEttore SottsassGeorge SowdenGrazia VariscoLella VignelliMassimo VignelliMarco ZanusoComputersElea seriesProdest PC128EnvisionQuadernoProgramma 101Divisumma 18TypewritersLettera 22Valentine500 Park AvenueOlivetti-Underwood FactoryTelecom ItaliaTriumph-AdlerOmnidataUnderwood Typewriter Company