Office of Justice Programs

The Office of Justice Programs is headed by an Assistant Attorney General.[1] Brent Cohen is the Acting Assistant Attorney General.[2] OJP's Assistant Attorney General is responsible for the overall management and oversight of the office.Its predecessor agency was the Office of Law Enforcement Assistance (1965–1968).The LEAA was succeeded by the Office of Justice Assistance, Research, and Statistics (1982–1984).
Federal government of the United States7th StreetWashington, D.C.U.S. Department of JusticeUnited States Department of Justiceresearch and developmenttribalcriminal justicelaw enforcementcorrectionsjuvenile justicegrantsAssistant Attorney GeneralLaw Enforcement Assistance AdministrationOmnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets ActBureau of Justice AssistanceBureau of Justice StatisticsNational Institute of JusticeOffice for Victims of CrimeOffice of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency PreventionSex offender registries in the United StatesUSAspending.govRobert F. Kennedy Department of Justice BuildingJames McHenryAttorney GeneralEmil BoveDeputy Attorney GeneralDeputyAttorneyGeneralJustice Management DivisionCriminal DivisionNational Security DivisionBureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and ExplosivesDrug Enforcement AdministrationFederal Bureau of InvestigationBureau of PrisonsNational Institute of CorrectionsFederal Prison IndustriesUnited States Marshals ServiceExecutive Office for Immigration ReviewBoard of Immigration AppealsOffice of the Pardon AttorneyOffice of Professional ResponsibilityExecutive Office for Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task ForcesExecutive Office for United States AttorneysUnited States Attorneys' OfficesINTERPOL Washington--United States National Central BureauUnited States Parole CommissionOffice of Legal CounselOffice of Legal PolicyDepartment of Justice Office of the Inspector GeneralSpecial Counsel's OfficeAssociateAttorneyGeneralOffice on Violence Against WomenOffice of Community Oriented Policing ServicesForeign Claims Settlement Commission of the United StatesAntitrust DivisionCivil DivisionCivil Rights DivisionEnvironment and Natural Resources DivisionTax DivisionExecutive Office for United States TrusteesCommunity Relations ServiceAssistantAttorneysGeneral National Security DivisionOffice of Legislative AffairsSolicitor General