Nosara Airport

The airport is approximately 15 minutes from the beaches of Nosara, the main tourist attraction in the area.The airport is owned and administered by the country's Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC).Nosara Airport receives only domestic flights, but has daily scheduled service from the Costa Rican capital, San José.There is nearby low mountainous terrain north of the airport, and also east through south.These data show number of passengers movements into the airport, according to the DGAC Statistical Yearbooks.
NosaraCosta RicaCoordinatesRunwaysGuanacaste ProvinceDirectorate General of Civil AviationSan JoséPacificdisplaced thresholdSansa AirlinesLiberiaSan José–Juan SantamaríaCosta Rica Green AirwaysTransport in Costa RicaList of airports in Costa RicaWayback MachineAviation Safety NetworkAirportsSan José-Juan SantamaríaCoto 47Drake BayGolfitoLa FortunaLimónPalmar SurPuerto JiménezQueposSan IsidroSan José-Tobías BolañosTamarindoTamborTortugueroBarra del ColoradoBuenos AiresCañasCarrilloFinca 63GuápilesLaurelNicoyaParisminaPunta IslitaSirena