No. 3 Flying Training School RAF

The school reformed at RAF Spitalgate near Grantham on 1 April 1928, equipped with Avro 504Ns and Armstrong Whitworth Siskins, which were later replaced by Avro Tutors, Armstrong Whitworth Atlases and Hawker Harts.By the outbreak of war the school was operating Harts and Airspeed Oxfords but on 24 June 1940 it became a No.In November 1974 it took over another unit when the RN Elementary Flying Training School arrived from RAF Church Fenton, but with the reduction in the demand for pilots and the RAF cut back, the school was disbanded at Leeming on 26 April 1984.[citation needed] Shorts Tucanos began arriving from January 1991[5] with the last flight of the Jet Provost on 29 October 1991.Squadrons forming part of 3 FTS: Due to its proximity to, and because of, the busier circuit at RAF Cranwell, elementary flying training units use RAF Barkston Heath for a significant amount of their operations.674 Squadron AAC formed the Army Air Corps contingent of 3 FTS up until its standing down in April 2021.
No. 3 Flying Training School RAAFUnited KingdomRoyal Air ForceNo. 22 (Training) GroupRAF CranwellEmbraer Phenom T1Grob Tutor T1Grob Prefect T1Central Flying School57 SquadronRAF Barkston HeathRAF WitteringRAF DigbySquadron LeaderArthur HarrisRAF SpitalgateAvro 504Armstrong Whitworth SiskinsAvro TutorsArmstrong Whitworth AtlasesHawker HartsRAF South CerneyAirspeed OxfordsRAF Stormy DownRAF BiburyRAF Long NewntonRAF WanboroughNorth American HarvardsRAF FeltwellPercival ProvostRAF LeemingHunting Aircraft Jet ProvostRAF ManbyRAF Church FentonShorts TucanosHawker Siddeley DominieBritish Aerospace JetstreamNo. 45 (Reserve) Squadron)RAF FinningleyNo 55 (Reserve) Squadron45 Squadron703 Naval Air Squadron16 Squadron674 Squadron AACStamfordShrewsburyFairfordMinistry of DefenceCommandsGroupsSquadronsFlightsConversion unitsOperational Training unitsSchools / Training unitsFerry unitsGlider unitsMisc unitsActiveFormerSatellite Landing GroundsAir Force BoardRAF RegimentRAF Chaplains BranchRAF IntelligenceRAF Legal BranchRAF Medical ServicesPrincess Mary's RAF Nursing ServiceRAF PoliceRAF ground tradesRAF Music ServicesRAF Search and Rescue ForceRAF Mountain Rescue ServiceRAF Marine BranchRAF Air CadetsOperationsRoyal Auxiliary Air ForceRAF Volunteer ReserveList of RAF aircraftcurrentfutureList of RAF missilesList of equipment of the RAF RegimentOfficer ranksOther ranksList of notable personnelList of serving senior officersPersonnel numbersChief of Air StaffAssistant Chief of the Air StaffAir Member for PersonnelAir SecretaryAir Member for MaterielCommandant-General of the RAF RegimentWarrant Officer of the RAFEnsignRoundelsUniformHeraldic badgesAir Training CorpsCombined Cadet Force (RAF section)RAF AssociationRAF Centre of Aviation MedicineRAF Benevolent FundRAF Football AssociationRAF Museumhistorytimeline201 AFS202 AFS203 AFS204 AFS205 AFS206 AFS207 AFS208 AFS209 AFS210 AFS211 AFS215 AFS1 BFTS2 BFTS3 BFTS4 BFTS5 BFTS2 (B)FTS3 (B)FTS7 (B)FTS4 (Advanced) FTS5 (Advanced) FTS6 (Advanced) FTS8 (Advanced) FTS9 (Advanced) FTS10 (Advanced) FTS14 (Advanced) FTS1 British FTS2 British FTS3 British FTS4 British FTS5 British FTS6 British FTSList of Glider schools2 FIS (Advanced)Flying Refresher School RAF101 FRS103 FRSRoyal Air Force College Service Flying Training School10 FTS11 FTS12 FTS14 FTS15 FTS19 FTS20 FTS207 FTS1 (Polish) FTS16 (Polish) FTSNetheravon Flying School1 SFTS2 SFTS3 SFTS4 SFTS5 SFTS6 SFTS7 SFTS8 SFTS9 SFTS10 SFTS11 SFTS12 SFTS13 SFTS14 SFTS15 SFTS16 SFTS17 SFTS20 SFTS1 (Indian) SFTSDefence Helicopter Flying SchoolNo. 1 School of Special Flying RAFNo. 2 School of Special Flying RAFSchool of Special Flying (Canada) RAFList of Operational Conversion UnitsList of Operational Training UnitsRAF Staff College, AndoverRoyal Air Force College CranwellRAF Staff College, Bulstrode ParkRAF Staff College, BracknellRAF College of Air WarfareNo. 1 School of Technical Training RAFNo. 2 School of Technical Training RAFSchool of Photography