Ngô Du
[1] From his headquarters at Pleiku, he and Vann commanded ARVN forces during the Battle of Kontum, part of the North Vietnamese Easter Offensive of 1972.I am aware of criticism by members of the National Assembly from Binhdinh and Kontum Provinces of General Dzu's handling of the situation.""[3] In January 1973 Du was appointed as the South Vietnamese representative to the Four-Party Joint Military Commission responsible for implementing the Paris Peace Accords.South Vietnamese government and military officials stated that Du's appointment showed President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu's disdain for the commission.[4] In a postwar interview with the RAND Corporation, Nguyễn Cao Kỳ said of Du: "he's a coward; he's involved in all kind of smuggling and corruption, but still many Americans, when they come to me, they say, you know, Dzu is a "number one" type.