New Georgia

Kolombangara lies across the Kula Gulf to the west, Choiseul to the northeast, Vangunu is to the southeast, and Rendova to the southwest, across the Blanche Channel.The island was named New Georgia, by John Shortland when his ship, the Alexander, passed by it in August 1789 when returning to England in command of four vessels of the First Fleet.[2] On March 15, 1893, Captain Herbert Gibson of HMS Curacoa, declared New Georgia to be part of the British Solomon Islands Protectorate.[8] The first target of this force was chief Ingava of the Roviana Lagoon of New Georgia who had been raiding Choiseul and Isabel and killing or enslaving hundreds of people.[11] From 1927 to 1934 Dr Edward Sayers worked at the Methodist mission where he established a hospital at Munda and carried out fieldwork in the treatment of malaria.Donald Gilbert Kennedy was a Coastwatcher stationed at Seghe (Segi) on New Georgia during the Solomon Islands campaign during the Pacific War.
A map of the New Georgia Islands .
A map of the Solomon Islands , with New Georgia located in the centre-left.
Soldiers climb down netting on the sides of the attack transport USS McCawley on 14 June 1943, rehearsing for landings on New Georgia.
Solomon IslandsColumbia RiverState of WashingtonStrait of GeorgiaBritish ColumbiaPacific OceanWestern ProvinceNew Georgia Islands203rd-largest island in the worldNew Georgia GroupNew Georgia SoundKolombangaraKula GulfChoiseulVangunuRendovaBlanche Channelcoral reefMelanesian languagesNew Georgia languagesNorthwest Solomonic languagesOceanic languagesAustronesian familyKalikoquRovianaJohn ShortlandFirst FleetHerbert GibsonHMS CuracoaBritish Solomon Islands ProtectorateCharles Morris Woodfordlabour tradeArthur MahaffyMalaitaIsabelWestern Pacific High Commissionpunitive expeditionswestern Solomon IslandsMethodistDr Edward Sayersmalariaattack transportUSS McCawleyEmpire of JapanWorld War IIPacific WarUnited StatesNew Georgia Campaignjungle fightingBairoko HarborDonald Gilbert KennedyCoastwatcherSolomon Islands campaignSeghe, Solomon IslandsKenneth Roberts-WrayCoates, AustinIslandsCentralNggela IslandsGavutuTanambogoTulagiRussell IslandsMbanikaPavuvuCyprian Bridge IslandNuatambuRob RoyWaginaGuadalcanalKorasahaluMarau SoundMarapaTavanipupuVuleluaArnarvonFurona IslandKerehikapaMahigeMaleivonaSan JorgeSanta IsabelSikopoMakira-UlawaAli'iteMakiraMalaulaloMalaupainaOlu MalauOwarahaOwarikiAnuta PainaLanga Langa LagoonLaulasiLau LagoonAdagegeFunaafouSulufouMaana'ombaMaramasikeMbasakanaOntong JavaRoncador ReefSikaianaMatuaviTehaoleiRennell and BellonaBellonaIndispensable ReefsNorth ReefRennellTemotuDuff IslandsBass IslandsTaumakoFatutakaReef IslandsFenualoaLomlomMakalomMatemaNalongo and NupaniNgandeliNgatendoNibanga NendiNibanga TemauNifiloliNukapuPatteson ShoalPigeonPileniSanta Cruz IslandsNendöTemotu NoiTinakulaUtupuaVanikoroTikopiaWesternMborokuaArundelKennedyKiambeKingguruLiapariLumbariMarovoMatikuriMondomondoNakazaNggatokaeNusatupeOlasanaRanonggaTelinaTetepareVella LavellaVonavonaShortland IslandsBalalaeMagusaiaiMasamasaPirumeriShortlandTreasury IslandsStirling