Networking and Information Technology Research and Development

For each IWG, agency representatives meet to exchange information and collaborate on research plans and activities such as testbeds, workshops, and cooperative proposal solicitations.The PCA set evolves over time, reflecting changes in IT R&D activities at federal agencies and IT R&D priorities of the Administration.The NCO works with the NITRD agencies, IWGs, CGs and the White House Office of Management and Budget to prepare, publish, and disseminate the Program's annual supplement to the President's Budget, Federal networking and IT R&D plans, and networking and IT research needs reports.105-305),[5] and the America COMPETES (Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology, Education, and Science) Act of 2007 (P.L.Dr. Lindberg led this effort from 1992 to 1995 while serving concurrently as the Director of the National Library of Medicine (NLM).
Washington, DCU.S. federal agenciesinformation technologyNational Science and Technology CouncilNational Institute of Standards and TechnologyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration The United States Patent and Trademark OfficeDefense Advanced Research Projects AgencyNational Security AgencyOffice of the Secretary of DefenseAir Force Office of Scientific ResearchAir Force Research LaboratoryArmy Research LaboratoryOffice of Naval ResearchNational Nuclear Security AdministrationOffice of ScienceAgency for Healthcare Research and QualityNational Institutes of HealthNational Institute for Occupational Safety and HealthOffice of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Science and Technology Directorate U.S. Geological SurveyNational Institute of Justice Department of State National Artificial Intelligence InstituteNational Aeronautics and Space AdministrationNational Reconnaissance OfficeNational Science FoundationOffice of Science and Technology PolicyOffice of Management and BudgetPresident's Council of Advisors on Science and TechnologyHigh Performance Computing Act of 1991Donald A.B. LindbergKeith Marzulloresearch and development agenciesEnvironmental Protection AgencyIntelligence Advanced Research Projects ActivityAgricultureAgricultural Research ServiceNational Institute of Food and AgricultureEconomic Research ServiceCommerceDefenseArmy Combat Capabilities Development CommandCombat Capabilities Development Command Soldier CenterCCDC Armaments CenterPicatinny ArsenalBenét LaboratoriesWatervliet ArsenalTest and Evaluation CommandUnited States Army Medical Research and Development CommandEngineer Research and Development CenterMarine Corps Combat Development CommandMarine Corps Warfighting LaboratoryMarine Corps Operational Test and Evaluation ActivityNaval Research LaboratoryNaval Medical Research CenterSurfaceUnderseaCommand, Control and Ocean SurveillanceNaval Air Weapons Station China LakeNaval Postgraduate SchoolOperational Test and Evaluation ForceAir Force Materiel CommandAir Armament CenterAir Force Life Cycle Management CenterAir Force Nuclear Weapons CenterAir Force Institute of TechnologyAir Force Operational Test and Evaluation CenterSpace ForceSpace Systems CommandUniformed Services University of the Health SciencesEducationInstitute of Education SciencesNational Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation ResearchEnergyAdvanced Research Projects Agency–EnergyNational LaboratoriesHealth andHuman ServicesBiomedical Advanced Research and Development AuthorityCenter for Medicare and Medicaid InnovationHomeland SecurityScience and Technology DirectorateCoast Guard Research and Development Center InteriorUnited States Geological SurveyJusticeFBI Science and Technology BranchTransportationResearch and Innovative Technology AdministrationFederal Aviation AdministrationFederal Highway AdministrationTreasuryOffice of Financial ResearchVeterans AffairsVeterans Health Administration Office of Research and DevelopmentExecutive Officeof the PresidentU.S. Global Change Research ProgramNational Nanotechnology InitiativeLegislative branchHouse Committee on Science, Space, and TechnologySenate Committee on Commerce, Science, and TransportationOffice of Technology AssessmentJudicial branchFederal Judicial Center