Narragansett (soil)

Narragansett is an English corruption of Nanhigganeuck, their actual name meaning "people of the small point."Narragansett's soils are found in upland areas of Rhode Island, where they occupy approximately 12,000 acres (49 km2), and in the adjacent states of Connecticut and Massachusetts.[2] The Narragansett soil series consists of coarse-loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal, mixed, active, mesic Typic Dystrudepts.[1][a][3] They are well-drained, loamy soils that formed in friable (ablation) glacial till mantled with a silty loess cap.The average annual precipitation in areas with this soil type ranges from 40 to 50 inches.
Rhode Islandthe townNarragansett tribeNanhigganeuckConnecticutMassachusettsablationglacial tillagricultural soilsPedology (soil study)Soil typesList of U.S. state soilsudic soil moisture regimeInceptisol