Mythology of Oceania

Oceania is a general name applied to a very vast region including Polynesia, Micronesia, Australia, Tasmania and more.At some point there were stirrings within Po, then a light began to shine until eventually day was created and then came Heaven Father and Earth Mother, named Rangi and Papa, respectively.While Maui is not the creator, he is attributed with providing humanity much of what was needed to survive and thrive, such as fire and new islands that he had fished from the sea.One story involves an extra-marital affair, where a woman named Narina laid with Kilpuruna, who was the friend of her husband Yuruma.[3] Micronesia is similar to Australia in that it lacks the specifics of creation but rather focuses on smaller stories such as the sun and the moon and certain cultural practices by the people.The ghost found water and decided to carry it back to Onari in his mouth, but along the way he saw a celebration happening on the Island of East Fayu.
Oceanian CultureShared HistoriesLanguagesReligionIndigenousEuropeanArchitectureLiteratureCuisineCinemaSportsArmorial World Heritage SitesPacific regionOceaniaOceanianAustralian Aboriginal religion and mythologyMelanesian mythologyMicronesian mythologyPolynesian mythologyCook IslandsEaster IslandHawaiiMangareva IslandsNew ZealandTahiti and Society IslandsGhosts in Polynesian culture