Municipal police (Germany)

The term Stadtpolizei is still used in some German states to denote local order enforcement offices of municipal authorities with limited police powers.In Baden-Württemberg, cities with population at least 75,000 were allowed to have their own municipal police forces.In 1968, the population requirement was increased to 250,000, thus restricting it to the three largest cities of the state - Stuttgart, Mannheim and Karlsruhe.Municipal Police Officers in Baden-Württemberg can use force, make an arrest, regulate traffic, ask for identification, search a person, investigate misdemeanours and contravention for the state prosecutor among others.Mostly they are charged with monitoring municipal by-laws and laws that fall under the responsibility of municipalities, which include monitoring the conduct of shop owners, sanitation inspections, veterinary inspections and minor infractions and misdemeanors such as illegal parking, littering, state and local dog regulations etc.
Historic patch of the former Munich City Police
Current patch of the Stadtpolizei Frankfurt
Car of the Stadtpolizei in Frankfurt
Patrol vehicle of the Kommunalpolizei Darmstadt
Patrol car of the Ordnungsamt of the city of Fulda
municipal policecitiesGermanystatesorder enforcement officesMunich Police Forceorganised crimeterrorismBaader-Meinhof/RAFgendarmeriesLandespolizeiBavariaBavarian State PoliceBaden-WürttembergStuttgartMannheimKarlsruheBaden-Württemberg PoliceBremenSaarlandenforcement officesinfractionsmisdemeanorslitteringcitizen's arrestLaw enforcement in GermanyFederal Police (Germany)GemeindesicherheitswacheCrime in GermanyFederal Coast GuardFederal Criminal Police OfficeBKA ASEFederal Customs ServiceCustoms Investigation BureauFederal Office for the Protection of the ConstitutionFederal PolicePSA BPOLDirectorate 11German Parliament PoliceMilitary PoliceZ CommissionState police forcesBerlinBrandenburgHamburgNorth Rhine-WestphaliaRhineland-PalatinateSaxonySchleswig-HolsteinArrest unitCriminal policeState Criminal Police OfficeMotorway policeProtection policeReserve policeSpecial Task Force (SEK)Water policeFederal Border ProtectionGerman People's PoliceRailway PoliceTransport PoliceNazi GermanyUniformed policeSchutzpolizeiGestapoState Security PoliceSS Security Service (SD)Customs Border Guards