Moving Picture Experts Group

The Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) is an alliance of working groups established jointly by ISO and IEC that sets standards for media coding, including compression coding of audio, video, graphics, and genomic data; and transmission and file formats for various applications.[1] Together with JPEG, MPEG is organized under ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 – Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information (ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1, Subcommittee 29).[9][10][11] Starting around the time of the MPEG-4 project in the late 1990s and continuing to the present, MPEG had grown to include approximately 300–500 members per meeting from various industries, universities, and research institutions.[4][15] It was formed in 2001 and its main result was H.264/MPEG-4 AVC (MPEG-4 Part 10), which reduces the data rate for video coding by about 50%, as compared to the then-current ITU-T H.262 / MPEG-2 standard.[16] The JVT was chaired by Dr. Gary Sullivan, with vice-chairs Dr. Thomas Wiegand of the Heinrich Hertz Institute in Germany and Dr. Ajay Luthra of Motorola in the United States.[19] JVET developed Versatile Video Coding (VVC, MPEG-I Part 3, ITU-T H.266), completed in July 2020, which further reduces the data rate for video coding by about 50%, as compared to the then-current ITU-T H.265 / HEVC standard, and the JCT-VC was merged into JVET in July 2020.The first document that is produced for audio and video coding standards is typically called a test model.
MPEG logo
Some well known older (up to 2005) digital media formats and the MPEG standards they use
Motion Picture Editors GuildMPEG LAMPEG program streamdigital mediaworking groupsgenomicfile formatsISO/IEC JTC 1MPEG-1MPEG-2MPEG-4 AVCtransport streamsprogram streamsbase media file formatdynamic streamingMPEG-DASHHiroshi YasudaLeonardo ChiariglioneOttawa, CanadaLeibniz University HannoverKyung Hee UniversityRWTH Aachen UniversitySamsungZhejiang UniversityITU-T SG16Gary SullivanMicrosoftInstitut Mines-TélécomSudParisMPEG-2 SystemsMPEG-2 VideoH.264/MPEG-4 AVCThomas WiegandHeinrich Hertz InstituteMotorolaHigh Efficiency Video CodingVersatile Video Codingprofilesbitratecompact discVideo CDdownsamplesinterlacinghigh definitiondigital televisionDish Networkcable televisionDVD-VideoBlu-ray DiscsMPEG-4digital rights managementJava applicationJava APIMPEG-4 Part 2HD DVDMPEG-3MPEG-7MPEG-21multimedia frameworkMPEG-ABinary MPEG format for XMLMPEG Common Encryptiondiscrete cosine transformMPEG-DMPEG SurroundUnified Speech and Audio CodingMPEG-GconformanceRich mediaMPEG-HMPEG media transport3D AudioMPEG-5Essential Video CodingLow-Complexity Enhancement Video CodingVideo Coding Experts GroupJoint Photographic Experts GroupJoint Bi-level Image Experts GroupMultimedia and Hypermedia information coding Expert GroupAlliance for Open MediaAudio codecAudio coding formatVideo codecVideo coding formatVideo qualityVideo compressionGhanbari, MohammedInstitution of Engineering and TechnologyInternational Organization for StandardizationProgram streamLayer ILayer IILayer IIITransport streamPart 2: Video (H.262)Part 3: AudioMPEG MultichannelPart 6: DSM CCPart 7: Advanced Audio CodingPart 2: VideoPart 6: DMIFPart 10: Advanced Video Coding (H.264)Part 11: Scene descriptionPart 12: ISO base media file formatPart 14: MP4 file formatPart 17: Streaming text formatPart 20: LASeRPart 22: Open Font FormatPart 33: Internet Video CodingPart 2: Description definition languageParts 2, 3 and 9: Digital ItemPart 5: Rights Expression LanguagePart 1: MPEG SurroundPart 3: Unified Speech and Audio CodingPart 1: Transport and Storage of Genomic InformationPart 2: Coding of Genomic InformationPart 3: APIsPart 4: Reference SoftwarePart 5: ConformancePart 1: MPEG media transportPart 2: High Efficiency Video Coding (H.265)Part 3: MPEG-H 3D AudioPart 12: High Efficiency Image File FormatPart 3: Versatile Video Coding (H.266)Part 1: Essential Video CodingPart 2: Low Complexity Enhancement Video CodingMultimediacompressioncontainerVideocompressionMotion JPEG 2000Part 2Part 2 / ASPPart 10 / AVCPart 33 / IVCPart 2 / HEVCPart 3 / VVCPart 1 / EVCPart 2 / LCEVCH.264 / AVCH.265 / HEVCH.266 / VVCTrueMotionApple VideoCinepakHuffyuvLagarithMicrosoft Video 1MSU LosslessOMS VideoPixletProResAnimationGraphicsRealVideoRTVideoSheerVideoSmackerSorenson Video/SparkTheoraAudiocompressionMPEG-1 Layer IIMultichannelMPEG-1 Layer IMPEG-1 Layer III (MP3)HE-AACAAC-LDMPEG-4 ALSMPEG-4 SLSMPEG-4 HVXCMPEG-4 CELPMPEG-D USACMPEG-H 3D Audioµ-lawG.722.1G.722.2G.723.1G.729.1VorbisAMR-WBAMR-WB+EVRC-BGSM-HRGSM-FRGSM-EFRBluetooth SIGCodec 2Monkey's AudioMusepackOptimFROGRealAudioRTAudioTwinVQVMR-WBWavPackImagecompressionCCITT Group 4JPEG 2000JPEG-LSJPEG XLJPEG XRJPEG XSJPEG XTTIFF/EPTIFF/ITContainersMPEG-ESMPEG-PESMPEG-PSMPEG-TSISO/IEC base media file formatMPEG-4 Part 14MPEG-21 Part 9Matroska3GP and 3G2Flash VideoQuickTime File FormatRatDVDRealMediaMOD and TODVOB, IFO and BUPMethodsEntropyArithmeticHuffmanModifiedLosslessDEFLATETransformsWaveletDaubechiesComparison of audio coding formatsComparison of video codecsList of codecsSMPTE 259MSMPTE 268MSMPTE 274MSMPTE 291MSMPTE 292MSMPTE 296MSMPTE 330MSMPTE 344MSMPTE 356MSMPTE 360MSMPTE 367MSMPTE 372MSMPTE 377MSMPTE 421MSMPTE 424MSMPTE 2022SMPTE 2059SMPTE 2067SMPTE 2071SMPTE 2117SMPTE color barsSMPTE DCPSMPTE timecodeBroadcast-safeBroadcast television systemsInteroperable Master FormatAdvanced Television Systems CommitteeBBC ResearchDigital Video BroadcastingEuropean Broadcasting UnionITU Radiocommunication SectorITU Telecommunication SectorNHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories