Moshe Shmuel Shapiro

Even though his father was the Dayan of Białystok, Poland, Moshe Shmuel was born in the city of Minsk, Belarus, where his family had escaped the horrors of World War I.In the summer of 1936, Shapiro moved to Yeshivas Mir where he immediately gained a reputation as having potential for leading the Torah world and was recognized by Yerucham Levovitz.He developed a friendship with such Torah scholars as Yonah Karpilov of Minsk (who was murdered in the Holocaust) and Aryeh Leib Malin.In 1937, Shapiro reached the age of army conscription and made the decision to move to Palestine rather than serve in the Polish armed forces.In 1968, Shapiro was repeatedly asked to join the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah by the Beis Yisrael, the Gerrer Rebbe, and Yechezkel Sarna.
Shmuel ShapiroBelarusAlma materYeshivas MirRosh YeshivarabbinicIsraelRefael ShapiroVolozhinNaftali Zvi Yehuda BerlinNetzivYom-Tov Lipmann HellerBiałystokyeshivaChaim SoloveitchikBaranovich YeshivaRav Elchonon WassermanShmuel BerenbaumYerucham LevovitzHolocaustAryeh Leib MalinconscriptionPetah TikvaYechezkel LevensteinElazar ShachTalmudicShmuel RozovskyChaim KanievskyYitzchok Zev SoloveitchikJerusalemBrisker methodsKodashimsemichaRav Isser Zalman MeltzerAvrohom Yeshaya KarelitzkollelKollel Chazon IshKol TorahShlomo WolbeMoetzes Gedolei HaTorahGerrer RebbeYechezkel SarnaNashimNezikinTanakhRishonimRi Migash