Moscow Conference (1941)

[1] The initial contact with the USSR came with Presidential Envoy and Director of the Lend-Lease programme Harry Hopkins with Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in Moscow.Hopkins added:[1] I have nothing to add to what I said the other day, other than that my short visit here has given me even more confidence that Hitler is going to lose.Hopkins concluded his business and flew back to London on Friday 1 August.[1] The Moscow conference was proposed following the meeting between British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and US President Franklin D. Roosevelt at Placentia Bay.An announcement on Radio Moscow said:[3] Comrade Stalin requested the American Ambassador (Laurence Steinhardt) and the British Ambassador (Sir Stafford Cripps) to convey to President Roosevelt and Mr. Churchill respectively the heartfelt thanks of the peoples of the Soviet Union and of the Soviet Government for their readiness to aid the U.S.S.R. in its war of liberation against Hitlerite Germany.The delegates flew into Moscow on 28 September.Following a closed session an official communique was released, prepared by Quentin Reynolds (of Collier's magazine) and Vernon Bartlett MP (News Chronicle and BBC).The closing paragraph stated:[1] In concluding its session the conference adheres to the resolution of the three governments that, after the final annihilation of Nazi tyranny, a peace will be established which will enable the world to live in security in its own territory in conditions free from fear or needThe delegates departed by Douglas passenger planes on 3 October where they boarded HMS Harrier in the White Sea.If to this is added the fact that a few days ago the United States of America decided to grant a loan of one billion dollars to the Soviet Union, one can say with assurance that the coalition of the United States of America, Great Britain and the U. S. S. R., is a reality (stormy applause) which is increasing and will increase for the good of our common cause.Aside from the main events of the conference there was an incident regarding the purchase of caviar for Prime Minister Churchill.
MoscowSecond Inter-Allied MeetingArcadia ConferenceWorld War IILend-LeaseHarry HopkinsJoseph StalinSpaso HouseGerman invasion of the Soviet UnionKremlinPrime MinisterWinston ChurchillPresidentFranklin D. RooseveltPlacentia BayLaurence SteinhardtSir Stafford CrippsRadio MoscowVice-CommissarAndrei VyshinskyW. Averell HarrimanUnited StatesLord BeaverbrookUnited KingdomVyacheslav MolotovMaxim LitvinovtranslatorQuentin ReynoldsCollier'sVernon BartlettNews ChronicleHalcyon-classminesweeperCounty-classheavy cruiserHMS LondonAdmiralWilliam StandleyOctober RevolutioncaviarThe TimesDaily ExpresstelegraphedBritish EmbassyrationingAnglo-Soviet AgreementAnglo-Soviet Treaty of 1942Declaration by United NationsDiplomatic history of World War IIMoscow Conference (1942)Moscow Conference (1943)Moscow Conference (1944)List of Allied World War II conferencesPathe NewsConferencesU.S.–British Staff ConferenceFirst Inter-Allied ConferenceAtlantic ConferenceThird Inter-Allied ConferenceSecond Washington ConferenceSecond Moscow ConferenceCasablanca ConferenceAdana ConferenceThird Washington ConferenceFirst Quebec ConferenceThird Moscow ConferenceCairo ConferenceGreater East Asia ConferenceTehran ConferenceSecond Cairo ConferenceCommonwealth Prime Ministers' ConferenceBretton Woods ConferenceDumbarton Oaks ConferenceSecond Quebec ConferenceFourth Moscow ConferenceMalta ConferenceYalta ConferenceUnited Nations Conference on International OrganizationPotsdam ConferenceMunich AgreementMolotov–Ribbentrop PactPact of SteelAnglo-Thai Non-Aggression PactDestroyers-for-bases dealFranco-Italian ArmisticeMoscow Peace TreatyTripartite PactDeclaration of St James's PalaceArmistice of Saint Jean d'AcreAtlantic CharterGerman–Turkish Treaty of FriendshipParis ProtocolsPunishment for War CrimesArmistice of CassibileCairo DeclarationMoscow DeclarationsDeclaration of the Four NationsTreaty between the United States and China for the Relinquishment of Extraterritorial Rights in ChinaSino-British Treaty for the Relinquishment of Extra-Territorial Rights in ChinaMoscow ArmisticeNuremberg CharterPotsdam AgreementPotsdam DeclarationUnited Nations CharterParis Peace TreatiesTreaty of San FranciscoAustrian State TreatyTreaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to GermanyAnglo-French Supreme War CouncilSino-American Cooperative OrganizationEuropean Advisory CommissionCouncil of Foreign MinistersGerman Instrument of SurrenderJapanese Instrument of SurrenderGeneral Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet UnionChairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet UnionEarly lifeRussian Revolution, Russian Civil War, Polish–Soviet WarRule as Soviet leaderPolitical viewsCult of personalityDeath and state funeralDeath tollAugust UprisingAnti-religious campaign (1921–1928)(1928–1941)CollectivizationKolkhozSovkhozChinese Civil WarFirst five-year planSino-Soviet conflict (1929)17th Congress of the Communist Party1931 Menshevik TrialSpanish Civil WarSoviet invasion of XinjiangSoviet–Japanese border conflicts1937 Islamic rebellion in Xinjiang1937 legislative election18th Congress of the Communist PartyInvasion of PolandWinter WarOccupation of the Baltic statesGerman–Soviet Axis talksSoviet–Japanese Neutrality PactGreat Patriotic WarSoviet atomic bomb projectIli RebellionSino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance1946 legislative electionCold War1946 Iran crisisTurkish Straits crisisFirst Indochina WarEastern BlocComeconCominformGreek Civil War1948 Czechoslovak coup d'étatBerlin BlockadeKorean WarSino-Soviet TreatyTito–Stalin split1950 legislative election19th Congress of the Communist PartyStalinismNeo-StalinismKorenizatsiyaSocialism in One CountryGreat BreakSocialist realismStalinist architectureAggravation of class struggle under socialismFive-year plansGreat Construction Projects of CommunismEngineers of the human soul1936 Soviet ConstitutionNew Soviet manStakhanoviteTransformation of natureBackwardness brings on beatings by others1906 Bolshevik raid on the Tsarevich Giorgi1907 Tiflis bank robberyNational delimitation in the Soviet UnionGeorgian AffairDecossackizationDekulakizationWittorf affairDemolition of Cathedral of Christ the SaviourSoviet famine of 1932–33HolodomorMurder of Sergey KirovGreat PurgeCase of Trotskyist Anti-Soviet Military OrganizationNKVD prisoner massacresBerezhanyBerezweczChortkiv KurapatyMedvedev ForestSambirValozhynVileykaVinnytsiaZolochivMoscow TrialsHotel LuxRepressions in AzerbaijanSuppressed researchLysenkoismJaphetic theorySlavists case1937 Soviet Census1941 Red Army purgeSoviet offensive plans controversyHitler Youth ConspiracySoviet war crimesAllegations of antisemitismPopulation transferGerman–SovietDeportationsOperation "Lentil"Bessarabia and Northern BukovinaKoreansOperation "North"Operation "Priboi"Nazino affairForced settlementTax on trees1946–1947 Soviet famineLeningrad AffairMingrelian AffairRootless cosmopolitanNight of the Murdered PoetsDoctors' plotCensorship of imagesAnarchism or Socialism?Marxism and the National QuestionFoundations of LeninismDizzy with SuccessDeclaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia"Ten Blows" speechAlleged 19 August 1939 speechFalsifiers of HistoryStalin NoteThe History of the Communist PartyStalin's poetryDialectical and Historical MaterialismOrder No. 227Order No. 270Marxism and Problems of LinguisticsEconomic Problems of Socialism in the USSRDe-Stalinization20th Congress of the Communist PartyPospelov CommissionRehabilitationKhrushchev ThawOn the Cult of Personality and Its ConsequencesGomulka thaw (Polish October)Soviet Nonconformist ArtShvernik Commission22nd Congress of the Communist PartyEra of StagnationStalin EpigramLenin's TestamentRyutin AffairAnti-Stalinist leftTrotskyismKremlin PlotTrue CommunistsDarkness at NoonAnimal FarmNineteen Eighty-FourComparison of Nazism and StalinismThe Soviet StoryAntisemitismIosif Stalin tankIosif Stalin locomotiveGeneralissimo of the Soviet UnionStalin statuesPantheon, Moscow1956 Georgian demonstrationsList of awards and honours bestowed upon Joseph StalinStatue of Joseph Stalin, BerlinStalin Monument in BudapestStalin Monument in PragueJoseph Stalin Museum, GoriBatumi Stalin MuseumPlaces named after StalinState Stalin PrizeStalin Peace PrizeStalin SocietyStalin Bloc – For the USSRBesarion JughashviliKeke GeladzeKato SvanidzeYakov DzhugashviliKonstantin KuzakovArtyom SergeyevNadezhda AlliluyevaVasily StalinSvetlana AlliluyevaYevgeny DzhugashviliGalina DzhugashviliJoseph AlliluyevSergei AlliluyevAlexander SvanidzeYuri ZhdanovWilliam Wesley PetersStalin's residencesStalin's house, GoriTiflis SeminaryKureikaRoom at KremlinKuntsevoStalin's bunker