Moot court

Moot court does not involve actual testimony by witnesses, cross-examination, or the presentation of evidence, but is focused solely on the application of the law to a common set of evidentiary assumptions, facts, and clarifications/corrections to which the competitors are introduced.[3][4] International moot competitions are generally targeted at students (including postgraduates) and only allow participants who have not qualified to practice law in any jurisdiction.Some competitions also limit the number of teams based on geographical location; for instance, for most countries, the Jessup generally only permits one qualifying institution for every ten law schools.With international travel still largely restricted late into 2020, all major competitions adopted the virtual format for 2020/21 as well, with some modifying the rules regarding qualification procedures and methods of presentation (such as standing versus sitting, sharing devices, and speaking time).The basic structure of a moot court competition roughly parallels what would happen in actual appellate practice.The annual inter-law school National Moot Court Competition, co-sponsored by the New York City Bar Association and the American College of Trial Lawyers, is among the oldest and most prestigious competitions in the United States.[55] Generally the question will surround a subject that is unclear under the present state of the law and for which no direct precedent exists.It is normal practice for the senior counsel to take on the first point and the junior the second; although this may vary depending upon the exact nature, and necessary length, of the arguments.Occasionally, an Employment Appeal Tribunal may also be used as a forum for a Scottish civil law moot.
5th European Human Rights Moot championship round, held in the European Court of Human Rights building
A law school's moot courtroom
law schoolsarbitrationoral argumentEuropean Human Rights MootEuropean Court of Human Rightsappellate courtmock trialsjury trialsbench trialstestimonycross-examinationevidencealternative dispute resolutionmediationnegotiationlaw reviewclinical workcriminal lawcontract lawpublic international lawenvironmental lawspace lawaviation lawinternational human rights lawinternational humanitarian lawinternational criminal lawinternational trade lawmaritime lawforeign direct investmentjurisdictionstandingchoice of lawremediesqualified to practice lawEssex Court ChambersSingapore Academy of LawJessupFrankfurtInternational Criminal CourtCOVID-19The European Law Moot Court CompetitionMicrosoft TeamsPhilip C JessupWashington DCUniversity of SydneyWillem C VisInternational commercial arbitrationViennaUniversity of OttawaHong KongLoyola Law School Los AngelesChinese University of Hong KongWest Bengal National University of Juridical SciencesPrice Media LawOxfordSingapore Management UniversityThe HagueFrankfurt Investment ArbitrationInternational investment arbitrationUniversity of MiamiNational University of SingaporeLachs Space Law MootGeorge Washington UniversityNational Law School of India UniversityJohn Jackson WTOWorld Trade OrganizationGenevaUniversity of MelbourneFletcher InsolvencyInternational insolvency lawIntellectual property lawQueensland University of TechnologySarin Air LawRam Manohar UniversityPrivate international lawInvestor-state dispute settlementMurdoch UniversityNurembergMaastricht UniversityInternational environmental lawGulfportLaw Society of IrelandMandela World Human RightsNorman Manley Law SchoolInternational maritime lawUniversity of QueenslandLAWASIARed Cross IHLVictoria University of WellingtonAfrican Human RightsHuman rights in AfricaEuropean Union lawLuxembourgAsia CupInternational Roman Law Moot CourtRoman LawUniversity of CambridgeEuropean Human Rights Moot Court CompetitionEuropean Convention of Human RightsStrasbourgIE UniversityColomboopinionbriefsNational Moot Court CompetitionNew York City Bar AssociationAmerican College of Trial LawyersHarvard Law SchoolAmes Moot Court CompetitionThe Laskin MootFirst Amendment CenterUnited States Circuit CourtEnglish Speaking Union MootLondon Universities Mooting ShieldCourt of AppealSupreme Courtquestions of lawcontractproperty lawScotlandCourt of SessionHouse of LordsSheriff CourtEmployment Appeal TribunalHigh Court of JusticiaryMock trialModel United NationsMootnessLachs SpaceAir LawJackson WTOWorld Human RightsWTO/FTA (Asian WTO)European Human RightsEuropean Law