The Moodswinger is a twelve-string electric zither with an additional third bridge designed by Yuri Landman.After 6 months he finished two copies of The Moodswinger, an electric 12-string 3rd-bridge overtone koto, one for guitarist/drummer Aaron Hemphill and one for himself.In 2009 Landman created a derivative version of the instrument called the Home Swinger, for workshops at festivals, where participants built their own copy within four hours.Because the instrument has 12 strings, tuned in a circle of fourths, it is always possible to play every note of the equal tempered scale.The instrument has 3 printed scales, used as guides for positioning the moveable third bridge and reading the played notes: On the Moodswinger II the 1/8, 3/8, 5/8 and 7/8 are Blue dotted.