Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services

The Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services (Portuguese: Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria, Comércio e Serviços, abbreviated MDIC) is a cabinet-level federal ministry in Brazil.The last Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade is Marcos Jorge de Lima.The incumbent minister is Vice President Geraldo Alckmin.The ministry used to oversee the Brazilian National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO) and the Superintendence of the Manaus Free Trade Zone (SUFRAMA).The minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade also chairs the Chamber of Foreign Trade (CAMEX), a 7-ministers of State board linked to the Presidency of the Republic.
MinistriesAgrarian DevelopmentSocial DevelopmentPortugueseMinistryFederal government of BrazilEsplanada dos MinistériosBrasíliaFederal DistrictGeraldo AlckminRodrigo RollembergcabinetfederalBrazilNational Bank for Economic and Social DevelopmentPresidentJânio QuadrosPrime MinisterUlysses GuimarãesGetúlio VargasBrochado da RochaIndependentHermes LimaJoão GoulartRanieri MazzilliCastelo BrancoMilitary dictatorshipCosta e SilvaProvisory Governative JuntaMilitary juntaEmílio Garrastazu MédiciSevero GomesErnesto GeiselJoão FigueiredoJosé SarneyItamar FrancoÉlcio ÁlvaresFernando Henrique CardosoFrancisco DornellesCelso LaferSérgio AmaralLuiz Inácio Lula da SilvaFernando PimentelDilma RousseffArmando MonteiroMarcos PereiraRepublicanosMichel TemerCabinet of BrazilVice PresidentChief of StaffAgrarian Development and Family AgricultureAgriculture and LivestockCitiesCommunicationsCultureDefenceEducationEntrepreneurship, Microenterprise and Small BusinessEnvironment and Climate ChangeForeign AffairsFinanceFishing and AquacultureHealthHuman Rights and CitizenshipIntegration and Regional DevelopmentJustice and Public SecurityLabour and EmploymentManagement and Innovation in Public ServicesMines and EnergyNative PeoplePorts and AirportsPlanning and BudgetRacial EqualityScience, Technology and InnovationSocial Development and Assistance, Family and Fight against HungerSocial SecuritySportsTourismTransportGovernmentInstitutional AffairsSocial CommunicationCentral BankAttorney General of the UnionInstitutional Security BureauComptroller General of the Union