Ministry of Defense (Mongolia)

According to the Law on the Defence of Mongolia, the Ministry is responsible for developing Defence Policy, coordinating its political, economic, social, legal and military implementation, and exercise civilian control over the Mongolian Armed Forces.[3] The current Minister Gürsediin Saikhanbayar was appointed in July 2020.The ministry has the following leadership structure: According to the Law on the Armed forces, the General Staff of the Mongolian Armed Forces is the professional managing body and the headquarters for the Mongolian Armed Forces and operates under the policies approved by the Ministry of Defence.The policies are also approved by the Government cabinet and the Parliament "Ikh Khural" of Mongolia.[4] On 29 December 1911, Mongolia gained independence from the Manchu Empire, and established its first five ministries.
Tserendash Tsolmon with Sergei Shoigu .
MongolianMongoliaUlaanbaatarGürsediin SaikhanbayarDamdin SükhbaatarministryGovernment of MongoliaMongolian Armed ForcesGeneral Staff of the Mongolian Armed Forcesmanaging bodyManchu EmpireMinistry of Internal AffairsMongolian People's RepublicNational Defense Universityeducational institutionresearch centreNational Security Council of Mongoliathink tankMongolian Military Song and Dance Academic EnsembleMongolian Military MuseumMongolian Revolution of 1921Mongolian People's Armyretirement homeState Department StoreSergei ShoiguBogd KhanateTögs-Ochiryn NamnansürenKhatanbaatar MagsarjavMarshal of the Mongolian People's RepublicKhorloogiin ChoibalsanGelegdorjiin DemidTsedengiin JanchivSanjiin BataaBatyn DorjZhamyangiyn LhagvasurenJarantyn AvkhiaJamsrangijn JondonShagalyn JadambaDemocraticJügderdemidiin GürragchaaMotherlandMishigiin SonompilMongolian National Democratic Party (2005)Dashdembereliin Bat-ErdeneBadmaanyambuugiin Bat-ErdeneNyamaagiin EnkhboldBogd Khanate of MongoliaShagalyn Jadambaa