
Milieudefensie is part of the 30 national organisations that Friends of the Earth Europe represents and unites at the European level.The judges stated, that competitors could take market shares from Shell by selling more coal and gas in the process, which would not result in a reduction of CO2 emissions.Milieudefensie considers ING a Global Systemically Important Bank that has a duty of care with regard to climate change.[6] Milieudefensie works with its support base to put pressure on large companies and on politicians to act according to climate agreements.Among others, they provided input on the revised OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises 2023 and on the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.
Club of RomeFriends of the EarthFriends of the Earth Europeclimate justicecorporate accountabilitylawsuit against fossil fuel company Shellscope 3 emissionsGlobal Systemically Important BankCorporate Sustainability Due Diligence DirectiveMilieudefensie et al v Royal Dutch Shell