Michael Auslin

Michael Robert Auslin (born 17 March 1967) is an American historian, writer, and policy analyst, known for his work on U.S-Asian relations.[4] In addition, he was also the founding director of the Project on Japan-U.S. Relations (2004–2007) and a senior research fellow at the MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies (2006–2007) at Yale.He was a featured commentator and script consultant in the 2004 PBS series Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire[5] and for Netflix's Age of Samurai, in 2021.[22] Auslin hosted the Pacific Century podcast, in which he interviewed senior policymakers, journalists, historians, business leaders, and others on contemporary Asian issues.In a statistical overview derived from writings by and about Michael Auslin, OCLC/WorldCat encompasses roughly eight works in over thirty publications in one language and 100+ library holdings.
Georgetown UniversityIndiana University BloomingtonUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaignhistorianpolicy analystHoover InstitutionYale UniversityChicagoAssistant Language TeacherJET ProgrammeMacMillan Center for International and Area StudiesKobe UniversityTokyo UniversityAmerican Enterprise InstituteFox NewsWorldCatHarvard University PressRoyal Historical SocietyYoung Global LeaderWorld Economic ForumFulbright fellowJapan Foundation fellowMarshall Memorial FellowYasuhiro NakasoneNational ReviewNetflixC-SPANNorman MinetaMidori GotoNaoyuki Agawa