
[1] The officer in charge of a merindad was called a merino, roughly equivalent to the English count or bailiff.Connected to the birth of Castile, the Merindades, standing for a northernmost comarca of the province of Burgos, was part of the creation of the administrative division by King Peter.[2] Currently, the Foral Community of Navarre is still divided into five merindades standing for different judicial districts.[2] The historic Merindad de Ultrapuertos lying to the north of the Pyrenees is nowadays Lower Navarre.In Biscay, the mancomunidades comarcales keep the place of the old merindades, such as Duranguesado.
MediaevalSpanishcountry subdivisionprovincemunicipalityEnglishbailiffkingdoms of CastileNavarreMerindadescomarcaKing PeterLower Navarrepartido judicialBiscayDuranguesadoPartidos of Buenos Airessecond-level administrative subdivisionadministrative divisionsComunidad autónomaDepartamentoDistrito federalEstadoProvinciaRegiónCantónComunaCorregimientoDelegaciónDistritoMancomunidadMunicipalidadMunicipioParroquiaEcuadorAlqueríaAnteiglesiaAsentamientoAsentamiento informalPueblos jóvenesBarrioCampamentoCaseríoCiudadCiudad autónomaColoniaMasíaPoblaciónRancheríaVeredaVillage (Pueblito/Pueblo)