
[2] Ever since the Paschal offering ceased to exist with the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE, the obligation to consume maror on the first night of Passover has been rabbinical in nature.The only two biblical references to the maror are the verse quoted above (Exodus 12:8) and in Numbers 9:11: "[t]hey are to eat the lamb, together with the unleavened bread and bitter herbs".[3] The Mishnah[4] specifies five types of bitter herbs eaten on the night of Passover: ḥazzeret (lettuce), ʿuleshīn (endive/chicory), temakha, ḥarḥavina (possibly melilot, or Eryngium creticum), and maror (likely Sonchus oleraceus, sowthistle).[5] The word is cognate to other Near-Eastern terms for lettuce: the Talmud identifies hazzeret as hassa,[6] similar to the Akkadian hassu and the Arabic hash.Horseradish likely began to be used because leafy vegetables like lettuce did not grow in the northern climates Ashkenazi Jews had migrated to, and because some sources allow the use of any bitter substance (if so, the five species in the mishnah would only be illustrative examples).The identity of this species was preserved among the Jews of Yemen as the plant Sonchus oleraceus, a relative of dandelion native to Israel.
Grated horseradish mixed with cooked beets (known as chrein ), romaine lettuce , and horseradish root, which should be freshly grated
Passover Seder plate , maror on the lowest plate
Passover Seder plate . Categories (with imaged examples in brackets): edit
1. Zeroa (shankbone)
2. Beitza (roasted hard-boiled egg)
3. Maror / Chazeret (horseradish)
4. Maror / Chazeret (onion)
5. Charoset
6. Karpas (parsley)
horseradishromaine lettucePassover Seder plateHebrewPassover Sederbiblical commandmentExodussymbolic foods613 commandmentsJoseph BabadSefer ha-ChinuchPassover sacrificeTemple in JerusalemmatzotAramaicArabicHaggadahBeitzaCharosetKarpasblessingIsraeliteshalakhamitzvahkezayitMishnahlettuceendivechicorymelilotEryngium creticumSonchus oleraceusiceberg lettuceheirloom varietiesprickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola)Tosefta PishaCichoriumImperial AramaicVienna DioscuridesDaucus gingidiumYom-Tov Lipmann HellerShulchan AruchdandelionautohyponymMishnaPesachimHai GaonRabbi Nathan, President of the AcademyTalmudWayback MachineJerusalem TalmudDioscoridesChaetosciadium trichospermumIbn Baytarwild carrotPliny the ElderAdin SteinsaltzPassoverAfikomanThe ExodusHa Lachma AnyaMa Nishtana"Outstretched Arm"Ten PlaguesWhite House Passover SederAdir HuChad GadyaDayenuEchad Mi YodeaL'Shana Haba'ahVehi SheamdaAmsterdam HaggadahBirds' Head HaggadahMaxwell House HaggadahSarajevo HaggadahSzyk HaggadahWashington HaggadahMatzahChremslachMatzah ballMatzah breiMatzo lasagnaMatzah mealMatzah pizzaMatzoquilesStreit'sManischewitzRené NeymannYehuda MatzosRakusen'sBrisketPotato kugelEgg kichelFlourless chocolate cakeHadji badaMacaroonMarunchinosMeringueBedikat ChametzFast of the FirstbornEve of Passover on ShabbatChol HaMoedMimounaIsru ChagPesach SheniChametzKitniyotGebrochtsSong of SongsPrayer for dew