Malcolm MacLeod (clan chief)

[6] The document describes Malcolm as the greatest hero of all MacLeods and states that he married a daughter of Sir Neil Campbell of Lochow, ancestor of the Dukes of Argyll.The manuscript tells a tale of how Malcolm returned from a tryst with the Campbell wife of the chief of the Frasers who possessed part of the lands of Glenelg.That night Malcolm encountered a bull which lived in the woods of Glenelg and which had terrorised the local inhabitants.It states that he died in the castle of Stornoway while visiting his kinsman, MacLeod of Lewis; and that he was laid to rest on the isle of Iona, beside his father.The manuscript states that Malcolm fathered six illegitimate sons with his Campbell lover (who had left her Fraser husband).The writer of the manuscript states that according to his source, the oldest senachies of the MacCallums traced their descent from these illegitimate sons of Malcolm.
According to one tradition, Sir Rory Mor's Horn , originated with Malcolm's victorious encounter with the terrorising bull from Glenelg .
Malcolm MacLeodChief of Clan MacLeodTormodIain CiarScottish GaelicClan MacLeodTorquilSir Rory Mor's HornIain Ciar MacLeodroyal charterDavid IIBannatyne manuscriptNeil Campbell of LochowDukes of ArgyllA. MackenzieEarl of Marthe seventhRobert the BruceMary BruceChristina BruceGlenelgFrasersDunvegandrinking hornheraldic crestDunvegan CastleheirloomsoverweightStornowayBerneraPabbayColonsayArgyllMacCallumsCampbellssenachiesEdinburghBurke's Peerage & GentryClan MacLeod of Harris and DunveganClan MacLeod of LewisMacLeod of Harris and Dunvegan(MacLeod of MacLeod)William CleireachIain BorbWilliam DubhAlasdair CrotachSir Rory MorNormanJohn NormanNorman MagnusSir ReginaldDame FloraHugh MagnusRoderickDunscaith CastleChurch of St ClementArdvreck CastleFairy FlagDunvegan CupBattle of HarlawBattle of Bloody BayBattle of GlendaleBattle of the Spoiling DykeBattle of Coire Na CreicheBattle of Tuiteam TarbhachBattle of LeckmelmBattle of CullodenMacLeòidMacLeodMacaulays from LewisMacCrimmon pipers from SkyeHistory of the Outer HebridesHighland ClearancesShip of the PeopleOlaf the BlackPáll BálkasonLjótólfrOlvir RostaÞórkell Þórmóðarson