Magali Carrasquillo

[1] Carrasquillo was working in Argentine theater producer Carlos Ferrari's well-known play, "Puerto Rico fua!"Among the best known telenovelas that Carrasquillo participated in are "Yara Prohibida" and "Vivir Para Ti" ("Living For You"),[1] the latter in which she shared credits with other well-known actors such as Pablo Alarcon, Camille Carrion, Lydia Echevarria, Ulises Brenes, Adamari Lopez and Amneris Morales, among others.Later in the 1980s, Carrasquillo became a talk-show host, participating in "Cultura Viva" ("Live Culture") and in the major Puerto Rican television hit, "Ellas al Mediodia", ("Women at Midday")[1] a canal 11 women-hosted talk show in which she shared hosting responsibilities with, among others, Angela Meyer, Gladys Rodriguez, Marilyn Pupo and Margot Deben.She followed her initial, television success with a film acting career that included a number of Puerto Rican film productions, such as "Luisa Capetillo, Pasion de Justicia" ("Luisa Capetillo, Passion for Justice"), "El SueƱo del Regreso" ("Dream of Returning"), "Kabo y Platon" ("Corporal and Platoon") and "Quien Eres Tu?"[1] Carrasquillo has won several acting awards; in 1988 and 1994, she was recognized as best antagonist actress by the Puerto Rico Theater Critics' Circle.
telenovelasPuerto RicoCaguas, Puerto RicoUniversidad de Puerto RicoMexicoUniversidad Autonoma del Estado de MorelosCuernavacaMorelosCarlos FerrariRafael Jose Diazcanal 4Vivir Para TiPablo AlarconCamille CarrionLydia EchevarriaAdamari LopezAmneris Moralescanal 11Angela MeyerGladys RodriguezMarilyn PupoMargot DebenList of Puerto Ricans