Lucia Sturdza-Bulandra

[1] In addition to her acting career, she played an important role in shaping an entire generation of Romanian actors and directors,[2] her students including the likes of George Calboreanu, Dina Cocea, Haig Acterian, Radu Beligan and Victor Rebengiuc.She initially planned to pursue a career in education, but after graduating from the faculty of Letters and Philosophy of the University of Bucharest, she became interested in acting.[1][5] She made her stage debut in 1898, at the National Theatre Bucharest, in Édouard Pailleron's play Pendant le bal.[5] In 1914 she started her own private theater company, the Queen Maria Theatre, alongside her husband, Tony Bulandra.During her tenure as director, the "Municipal" grew from a small company of just nine performs to one of Bucharest's foremost theatrical institutions.
Portrait of Lucia Sturdza-Bulandra by George Ștefănescu
Bulandra Theatre in Bucharest
Grave at Sfânta Vineri Cemetery
1996 Poșta Română stamp with Sturdza-Bulandra
George ȘtefănescuRomanianGeorge CalboreanuDina CoceaHaig ActerianRadu BeliganVictor RebengiucBulandra TheatreBucharestSturdza familyMoldaviaUniversity of BucharestNational Theatre BucharestÉdouard PailleronBucharest ConservatoireAristizza RomanescuWorld War IIBenemerenti medalOrder of the White Eagle (Serbia)Order of the Star of the Romanian People's RepublicPoșta RomânăNational Bank of RomaniaCluj-NapocaRadio România CulturalAdevărul