Local ring

In mathematics, more specifically in ring theory, local rings are certain rings that are comparatively simple, and serve to describe what is called "local behaviour", in the sense of functions defined on algebraic varieties or manifolds, or of algebraic number fields examined at a particular place, or prime.The concept of local rings was introduced by Wolfgang Krull in 1938 under the name Stellenringe.[1] The English term local ring is due to Zariski.The third of the properties listed above says that the set of non-units in a local ring forms a (proper) ideal,[3] necessarily contained in the Jacobson radical.The fourth property can be paraphrased as follows: a ring R is local if and only if there do not exist two coprime proper (principal) (left) ideals, where two ideals I1, I2 are called coprime if R = I1 + I2.To motivate the name "local" for these rings, we consider real-valued continuous functions defined on some open interval around 0 of the real line.These germs can be added and multiplied and form a commutative ring.To see that this ring of germs is local, we need to characterize its invertible elements.The function g gives rise to a germ, and the product of fg is equal to 1.The maximal ideal of this ring consists precisely of those germs f with f(0) = 0.Exactly the same arguments work for the ring of germs of continuous real-valued functions on any topological space at a given point, or the ring of germs of differentiable functions on any differentiable manifold at a given point, or the ring of germs of rational functions on any algebraic variety at a given point.These examples help to explain why schemes, the generalizations of varieties, are defined as special locally ringed spaces.Local rings play a major role in valuation theory.Specifically, if the endomorphism ring of the module M is local, then M is indecomposable; conversely, if the module M has finite length and is indecomposable, then its endomorphism ring is local.If k is a field of characteristic p > 0 and G is a finite p-group, then the group algebra kG is local.Indeed, let R be the ring of germs of infinitely differentiable functions at 0 in the real line and m be the maximal idealComplete Noetherian local rings are classified by the Cohen structure theorem.The Jacobson radical m of a local ring R (which is equal to the unique maximal left ideal and also to the unique maximal right ideal) consists precisely of the non-units of the ring; furthermore, it is the unique maximal two-sided ideal of R. However, in the non-commutative case, having a unique maximal two-sided ideal is not equivalent to being local.A deep theorem by Irving Kaplansky says that any projective module over a local ring is free, though the case where the module is finitely-generated is a simple corollary to Nakayama's lemma.
mathematicsring theoryalgebraic varietiesmanifoldsalgebraic number fieldscommutative algebracommutativemoduleslocalization of a ringprime idealWolfgang KrullZariskimaximalJacobson radicalcoprimeprincipalcommutative ringsNoetherianintegral domainfieldsskew fieldsnilpotentdiscrete valuation ringsprincipal ideal domainsformal power seriesconstant termalgebradual numbersquotient ringgeometric seriesmoduloinvertiblerational numberslocalizedcommutative ringlocalizationring of polynomialsGerm (mathematics)continuous functionsopen intervalreal lineequivalence relationequivalence classestopological spacedifferentiabledifferentiable manifoldrational functionsalgebraic varietyschemeslocally ringed spacesValuation (algebra)valuation ringfunction fieldindeterminate formendomorphism ringsdirect sumindecomposablelengthcharacteristicp-groupgroup algebratopological ringneighborhood basem-adic topologyHausdorff spaceArtin–Rees lemmaNakayama's lemmacompleteuniform spacecompletionCohen structure theoremresidue fieldring homomorphismfactor ringskew fielddeep theoremIrving Kaplanskyprojective moduleMorita equivalencefinitely generatedKrull, WolfgangZariski, OscarLam, T.Y.Jacobson, NathanDiscrete valuation ringSemi-local ringGorenstein local ring