In the early 2000s ASBOs had been issued in the Little London area to counter drug dealing and anti-social behaviour.The leader of the Labour Party Group on Leeds Council thought that these orders had been achieving a reduction in crime in the area.[8] In a letter to the Yorkshire Evening Post in 2004, he expressed the view that support for ASBOs by the Council needed to be sustained as residents in Little London had noticed a then recent increase in drug dealing, and he hoped that the council would continue to commit funding and commitment to the problem.[12] Following the demolition new low-rise and medium-rise housing was built as well as new shops and a community centre[13] Later in the decade the high-rise blocks on the Oatland Estate were refurbished and reclad.The blocks on the Lovell Park estate were refurbished although have not been reclad and retain their original brick cladding.
Carlton Towers in 2009 awaiting demolition
A view over
, Lovell Park and Little London, taken from Bandstead Park in