Little-Master cup

The Little Masters painted only the small upper frieze above the carination of the cup, at times also the lip or handle areas.One of the first artists to introduce the Little-Master cup in Athens was Kleitias.The dedicated painters of Little-Master cups rarely painted larger formas, whereas painters primarily specialised in large vases are known to also have painted Little-Master cups.Stylistic comparison between larger and smaller formats of the period remains difficult.The signatures are mostly by potters, probably because the potting was often of higher quality than the painting.
Lip cup with scenes of sex, Rhodes , 550–40 BC (stem and foot lost)
Lip cupRhodesblack-figureLittle MastersAthensKleitiaslip cupsBand cupsDroop cupsGordion cupsKassel cupsskyphoiLouvreDroop CupKassel CupJohn BeazleyThe Journal of Hellenic StudiesDer Neue PaulyKylikesEye-cupsChalcidianising cupDionysus CupBand cupGordion cupTypology of shapesArkesilas CupBerlin Foundry CupBrygos cup of WürzburgKomast cupMerrythought cupOxford Palmette ClassSiana cup