In 1945, Stockholm extradited to the Soviet Union around 170 Waffen-SS-soldiers from the Baltic countries who had fled the Red Army and found refuge in Sweden.On 15 August 2011, Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt officially apologized to the prime ministers of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in a ceremony in Stockholm saying that "Sweden owes its Baltic neighbours a "debt of honour" for turning a blind eye to post-war Soviet occupation" and speaking of "a dark moment" in his country's history.In 2001, Lithuanian President Valdas Adamkus visited Stockholm to discuss Lithuania's integration into the European Union and further co-operation of the two states.The new border falls approximately 1.5 km short of the demarcation line under the 1988 agreement between the Soviet Union and Sweden.Due to be completed in spring 2016, the project aims at building a link - a cable of approximately 350 km in length across the bottom of the Baltic Sea, and converter stations to connect electric power transmission systems of Lithuania and Sweden.