List of planetary features with Māori names

Coronae are oval features of uncertain origin, named for fertility and earth goddesses.Valles, valleys, are named according to their length: if more than 400 km, after the word for the planet in various world languages, otherwise after river goddesses.[2][3] Craters on Venus that have diameters less than 20 km are named with common female first names:[2] The innermost moon of Jupiter, Io is a world emblazoned with the reds, yellows, whites and blacks of sulphur chemistry and the scars of active volcanism.[2][3] The largest moon of Saturn is a world in its own right: Titan has a dense atmosphere and complex weather system, with liquid-carved river networks and sizable seas.[2][3] Neptune's largest moon is thought to be a captured Kuiper belt object, an interloper from further out in the Solar System.
The hero Māui stole fire from the fingernails of his grandparent Mahuika .
Highest resolution images of Tawhaki Patera, taken by the Galileo spacecraft . Color image on the left acquired in July 1999. The gray scale image on the right taken in November 1999.
False-color Cassini synthetic aperture radar mosaic of Titan's north polar region. Blue coloring indicates low radar reflectivity areas, caused by seas of liquid ethane , methane and dissolved nitrogen . [ 20 ] Punga Mare is just above center.
International Astronomical UnionalbedoSolar Systemthe languageMāori peopleMāori mythologyMahuikagoddess of justiceheroineLake Rotoruagoddess of echoesNgāti HauMārikorikosea goddessTāwhakiNgāi TahuWhaitiriDame Ngaio Marsh3400 Aotearoa3810 Aorakihighest mountain433 ErosHinemoaRotoruaGalileo spacecraftJupitersulphur chemistryactive volcanismmyth of IoDante's InfernoRātāTawhaki PateraTawhaki VallisCassinisynthetic aperture radarethanemethanenitrogenPunga MareSaturnTangaroaTāwhirimāteaNeptuneKuiper belt objectTritongod of the sea