List of islands of County Mayo

Additionally, areas of ecological significance related to both offshore and freshwater islands, designated by the National Parks and Wildlife Service, are also listed.Those north of Clew Bay such as Achill and the islands off the Mullet Peninsula are generally of ancient Dalradian age, similar to County Donegal and the Grampian Highlands.Geologically, the Clew Bay islands themselves are the youngest in the county, formed during the Lower Carboniferous about 350 million years ago.[8] Today, the islands are recognised by the State as an integral part of Ireland's national heritage, preserving the remnants of a unique aspect of Irish culture.In contrast, Achill benefitted from a bridge to the mainland which allowed the population to temporarily rebound, reaching its all-time peak in 1911.The list below is not exhaustive, and includes named offshore islands that are either extensive (typically greater than 2 acres in area) or in someway locally significant or identifiable.Freshwater islands have played an important role in the county's history and host an abundance of castles, monasteries, church ruins and unspoiled woodlands.Many of the county's offshore and freshwater islands are designated as areas of ecological significance and are protected both at national and European level.Mayo's offshore islands are a haven for wildlife and biodiversity, supporting hundreds of species of bird, fish and marine mammal, as well as unique vegetation.
Map of County Mayo's western seaboard
Achill is Ireland's largest island
Clew Bay contains 141 named islands, along with numerous tidal islets [ 1 ]
Deserted village on Achill
Kid Island
Map of Clew Bay (1890)
Small islands in Clew Bay
The Stags
Islet off Killadoon
Bills Rocks
DĂșn Briste
Loughs of northern Mayo
Loughs of southern Mayo
Atlantic puffin ( Fratercula arctica )
Grey seal ( Halichoerus grypus )
Atlantic bottlenose dolphin ( Tursiops truncatus )
Bog cotton ( Eriophorum angustifolium )
Razorbill ( Alca torda )
Basking shark ( Cetorhinus maximus )
Great cormorant ( Phalacrocorax carbo )
Black crowberry ( Empetrum nigrum )
County Mayo'sAchillClew BayisletsIrelandOrdnance Survey IrelandPlacenames Database of IrelandNational Parks and Wildlife ServiceCounty MayoAchill IslandClare IslandInishturkDuvillaunInishkealongest coastline of any countyrising sea levelsdrumlinsCroaghaunEuropeMullet PeninsulaDalradianCounty DonegalGrampian HighlandsCambrianOrdovicianSilurianCarboniferousterranesLower Carboniferous1841 CensusGreat FaminedepopulationindependenceIrish governmentIrish cultureDepartment of Culture, Heritage and the GaeltachtAran IslandsArranmoreMayo County CouncilGaeltachtlazybedsFish curingeco-tourismBurrishooleMurriskInis BigilCollanmoreInishlyreClynishInish Turk BegDuvillaun MoreAchillbegInishkea NorthInishcottleInishgortBartragh IslandTirawleyEagle IslandDorinishBlackrock IslandList of islands of IrelandLough ConnInishkea SouthCaher IslandInishbiggleKillala BayCollanmore IslandDuvillaun BegFurnace LoughLough MaskBroadhaven BayCarrowmore LakeInishdallaLough CarraBlacksod BayUggool BeachIllanmasterList of loughs of County MayoList of inland islands of IrelandBritain and IrelandLough CorribLough BeltraLough CullinIslandeady LoughList of monastic houses in County MayoClare Island AbbeySpecial Area of ConservationSpecial Protection AreaEU Birds DirectiveNatural Heritage AreaAtlantic puffinGrey sealAtlantic bottlenose dolphinBog cottonRazorbillBasking sharkGreat cormorantBlack crowberryList of Special Areas of Conservation in the Republic of IrelandInishbofinInishsharkCounty GalwayThe Irish TimesTheJournal.ieList of mountains and hills of County MayoCounty townCastlebarBallinaBallinrobeBallyhaunisBangor ErrisBelmulletCharlestownClaremorrisCrossmolinaFoxfordKiltimaghLouisburghNewportSwinfordWestportAchill SoundAghamoreArdogommonAttymassAughagowerAughleamBallindineBallintubberBallinvoyBallycastleBallycroyBallydavockBallyglassBallymacrahBarrooskyBelcarraBelderrigBellacorickBellavaryBinghamstownBohalisBoholaBonniconlonBreaffyBrackwanshaghBrickensBunacurryCarracastleCarrowteigeCarnaconCashelCastlehillCladdyCloghansCogaulaCorraveggaun WestCorrimblaCorroyCregganbaunCurraunboyDelphiDerrewDerrycorribDooaghDooegaDoohomaDooniverDrumminDugortFallmoreGlenamoyGlencastleGlengadGlenhestGlinskGweesaliaHollymountIrishtownIslandeadyKilcumminKilfaulKilgalliganKilkellyKillalaKillawallaKilmaineKilmeenaKilmoveeKnocknabolaKnockanillaunKnockmoreKnockrooskyLahardaneLecanveyLisduvogeLissaniska EastLissaniska WestMeelickMidfieldMoygownaghMulrannyPartryPollaghPontoonPortacloyPorturlinPullathomasRathnamaghRossportShammerShanaghySheeanShruleSraheensStradeTonrageeToormakeadyTulrahanTurloughBaroniesClanmorrisCostelloGallenList of townlands of County Mayo