List of elections before 1701

The following elections occurred between the years 1001 and 1700.
Pope Paschal II , elected in 1099
Gregory XI , the last pope of the period of Avignon Papacy , was elected in 1370
List of royal and imperial elections in the Holy Roman EmpirePope Paschal II983 German-Italian royal election1002 German royal election1024 German royal election1028 Imperial election1051 Imperial election1061 papal election1073 papal election1075 Imperial election1077 Imperial election1081 Imperial election1086 papal election1088 papal election1098 Imperial election1099 papal election1118 papal election1119 papal election1124 papal election1125 German royal election1127 Imperial election1130 papal election1138 Imperial election1143 papal election1144 papal election1145 papal election1147 Imperial election1152 Imperial election1153 papal election1154 papal election1159 papal election1169 Imperial election1181 papal election1185 papal electionOctober 1187 papal electionDecember 1187 papal election1191 papal election1196 Imperial election1198 papal electionMarch 1198 Imperial electionJune 1198 Imperial election1216 papal election1227 papal election1241 papal election1243 papal election1254 papal election1261 papal election1264–1265 papal electionSimon de Montfort's Parliament1268–1271 papal electionJanuary 1276 papal conclaveJuly 1276 papal conclaveSeptember 1276 papal election1277 papal election1280–1281 papal election1285 papal election1287–1288 papal election1292–1294 papal election1294 papal conclaveGregory XIAvignon Papacyelected in 13701303 papal conclave1304-1305 papal conclave1314–1316 papal conclave1334 papal conclave1342 papal conclave1352 papal conclave1362 papal conclave1370 papal conclave1378 papal conclave1389 papal conclave1404 papal conclave1406 papal conclave(1409) Council of Pisa(1414—1418) Council of Constance1431 papal conclave1447 papal conclave(1431—1449) Council of Florence1455 papal conclave1458 papal conclave1464 papal conclave1471 papal conclave1484 papal conclave1492 papal conclaveSeptember 1503 papal conclaveOctober 1503 papal conclave1513 papal conclave1521–1522 papal conclave1523 papal conclave(1534) Election of Christian III1534 papal conclave1549–1550 papal conclaveApril 1555 papal conclaveMay 1555 papal conclave1559 papal conclave1565–1566 papal conclave1571 Haverfordwest election1572 papal conclave1585 papal conclaveSeptember 1590 papal conclaveOctober–December 1590 papal conclave1591 papal conclave1592 papal conclaveJohn TrevorSpeaker of the English House of CommonsLoyal ParliamentMarch–April 1605 papal conclaveMay 1605 papal conclave1621 papal conclave1623 papal conclave1644 papal conclave1655 papal conclave1661 English general election1667 papal conclave1669–1670 papal conclave1676 papal conclaveMarch 1679 English general electionOctober 1679 English general election1681 English general election1685 English general election1689 English general election1689 papal conclave1691 papal conclave1690 English general election1695 English general election1698 English general election1700 papal conclave1701–1800Elections by countryMost recent elections by countryNext elections by country