Landing Ship Medium

Most of vessels built on this frame were regular transports, while several dozen were converted during construction to specialized roles.Most LSMs were scrapped during the Cold War, but several were sold by the United States Department of Defense to foreign nations or private shipping companies.The cost will be much lower than traditional amphibious shipping, according to a story in the March 2023 Marine Corps Gazette.[1][2][3] As a comparison the Jason-class of the Greek Navy is about 380 feet (120 m) long, with a top speed of 18 knots[citation needed] As of February 2023 the US Marine Corps has proposed the purchase of 18 to 35 modern LSMs; this LSM concept was previously known as the Light Amphibious Warship (LAW).
amphibious assault shipUnited States NavyWorld War IILanding Ships TankLanding Craft InfantryCold WarUnited States Department of DefenseJason-classFairbanks-Morsediesel enginesmedium tanksheavy tanks40 mm AA guns20 mm AA gunsUSS LSM-17USS LSM-19USS LSM-20USS LSM-45USS LSM-46USS LSM-56USS LSM-60Scuttled on July 25, 1946USS LSM-105USS LSM-110USS LSM-115USS LSM-125USS LSM-135USS LSM-149USS Kodiak (LSM-161)USS Oceanside (LSM-175)USS LSM-216USS LSM-217USS LSM-236USS LSM-247USS LSM-275USS Portunus (ARC-1)USS LSM-297USS LSM-315USS LSM-319USS LSM-333Ryukyuan shuttleUSS LSM-338USS LSM-355USS LSM-380USS LSM-397USS Hunting (LSM-398)USS LSM-462USS LSM-469USS LSM-471USS LSM-477USS LSM-478USS Raritan (LSM-540)USS LSM-5475"/38 caliber gunUSS LSM(R)-188USS LSM(R)-189USS LSM(R)-190USS LSM(R)-191USS LSM(R)-192USS LSM(R)-193USS LSM(R)-194USS LSM(R)-195USS LSM(R)-196USS LSM(R)-197USS LSM(R)-198USS LSM(R)-1995"/38 caliber gunsUSS Chariton River (LSM(R)-407)USS Clarion River (LSM(R)-409)USS Elk River(LSM(R)-501)USS Greenbrier River (LSM(R)-507)USS Gunnison River (LSM(R)-508)USS Targeteer (YV-3)USS Pee Dee River (LSM(R)-517)USS Powder River (LSM(R)-519)USS Saint Croix River (LSM(R)-524)USS St. Francis River (LSM(R)-525)USS St. Joseph's River (LSM(R)-527)USS St. Mary's River (LSM(R)-528)USS St. Regis River (LSM(R)-529)USS White River (LSM(R)-536)LFR-536USS Gypsy (ARS(D)-1)USS Mender (ARS(D)-2)USS Salvager (ARS(D)-3)USS Windlass (ARS(D)-4)Brown ShipbuildingHoustonCharleston Navy YardNorth CharlestonDravo CorporationWilmingtonPullman CompanyChicagoFederal Shipbuilding and Drydock CompanyNewarkWestern Pipe and SteelSan PedroCamp LejeuneJacksonville, North CarolinascrappedList of United States Navy Landing Ship MediumsLanding Ship, InfantryMark 8 Landing Craft TankJane's Fighting ShipsibiblioNaval shipswarshipsNaval ship classes in servicesubmarineauxiliaryOperational zonesBrown-water navyGreen-water navyBlue-water navyBroadsideCentral batteryCasemateTurretsAircraft carriersAircraft cruiserAnti-submarine warfare carrierBalloon carrierBattlecarrierCAM shipEscort carrierFighter catapult shipFleet carrierFlight deck cruiserHelicopter carrierInterdiction Assault ShipLight aircraft carrierMerchant aircraft carrierSeaplane tenderSupercarrierBattleshipsCoastal defence shipDreadnoughtFast battleshipPre-dreadnought battleshipStandard-type battleshipTreaty battleshipCruisersArmored cruiserBattlecruiserGuided missile cruiserHeavy cruiserPocket battleshipLight cruiserMerchant raiderProtected cruiserScout cruiserStrike cruiserTorpedo cruiserUnprotected cruiserConvoy rescue shipDestroyerDestroyer escortDestroyer leaderEscort destroyerEscorteurFrigateGuided-missile destroyerKaibōkanRadar picketAmphibious transport dockAmphibious warfare shipAttack transportDock landing shipLanding craftLanding craft carrierLanding Craft SupportLanding Ship HeavyLanding Ship LogisticsLanding Ship, TankLanding Ship VehicleTroopshipArmed boarding steamerArmed yachtCoastal motor boatCorvetteGunboatHarbour defence motor launchMotor launchNaval drifterNaval trawlerOcean boarding vesselPatrol boatQ-shipSteam gun boatSubmarine chaserTorpedo boatFast attack craftE-boatMissile boatPT boatShin'yōDanlayerDestroyer minesweeperMine countermeasures vesselMine planterMinehunterMinelayerMinesweeperAmenities shipAmmunition shipAuxiliary repair dockAuxiliary shipCollierCombat stores shipCommand shipCrane vesselDepot shipDestroyer tenderDispatch boatFast combat support shipFlotilla leaderGeneral stores issue shipHospital shipJoint support shipNaval tugboatNet laying shipRepair shipReplenishment oilerSubmarine tenderSubmarinesAttack submarineBallistic missile submarineCoastal submarineCruise missile submarineCruiser submarineDeep-submergence vehicleFleet submarineHuman torpedoMidget submarineSubmarine aircraft carrierU-boatWet subArmed merchantmanArsenal shipBarracks shipBreastwork monitorCapital shipDrone carrierFlagshipFloating batteryGuard shipLittoral combat shipMonitorMother shipRiver monitorTraining ship