List of Mandaic manuscripts

[3] Mandaean sacred scriptures, such as the Ginza Rabba are traditionally kept in wooden chests wrapped in layers of white cotton and silk cloth.Mandaean religious texts can be written in book or codex form (draša ࡃࡓࡀࡔࡀ, sidra ࡎࡉࡃࡓࡀ, or ktaba ࡊࡕࡀࡁࡀ) or as scrolls (diwan ࡃࡉࡅࡀࡍ, šafta ࡔࡀࡐࡕࡀ, or šarḥ ࡔࡀࡓࡇ) that are often illustrated.The illustrations, usually labeled with lengthy written explanations, typically contain abstract geometric drawings of uthras that are reminiscent of cubism or prehistoric rock art.[5] Some scrolls are talismans (zrazta ࡆࡓࡀࡆࡕࡀ), amulets (qmaha ࡒࡌࡀࡄࡀ), or exorcisms (pašar ࡐࡀࡔࡀࡓ or pišra ࡐࡉࡔࡓࡀ), all of which are subtypes of phylacteries.The primary three scriptures containing the most important narratives, liturgies, and doctrines of Mandaeism are the Ginza Rabba, Mandaean Book of John, and Qulasta.Much of the following information is derived from an 1874 catalogue of Syriac manuscripts compiled by Jules-Antoine Taschereau [fr], which lists descriptions for Mss.Buckley has also located a privately held copy of the Book of the Zodiac dating from 1919, which belonged to Lamea Abbas Amara in San Diego.[28] Individual Mandaean priests, including Salah Choheili and Sahi Bashikh, among others, also have private manuscript collections.
Mandaean priests inspecting Mandaic manuscripts for photographing in Ahvaz , Iran. Salem Choheili is at the left, Tarmida Sam Zahrooni is at the right.
UnicodeMandaeismJohn the BaptistMandaeansSabiansGnosticsScripturesGinza RabbaRight GinzaLeft GinzaMandaean Book of JohnQulastaHaran GawaitaThe Wedding of the Great ShishlamThe Baptism of Hibil ZiwaDiwan AbaturThe Thousand and Twelve QuestionsScroll of Exalted KingshipThe Coronation of the Great ShishlamAlma Rišaia RbaAlma Rišaia ZuṭaZihrun Raza KasiaScroll of the ParwanayaBook of the ZodiacDmut KušṭaScroll of the RiversSecrets of the AncestorsScroll of the AncestorsPriestsRishamaGanzibraTarmidaShgandaMiriaiShlama beth QidraZazai of GawaztaAnush Bar DanqaYahya BihramDakhil AidanJabbar ChoheiliSattar Jabbar HilowNajah ChoheiliSalah ChoheiliBrikha NasoraiaMasbutaMasiqtaTamashaKushtaMambuhaHalaltaFatiraZidqa brikhaLofaniDukranaBelief in Oneness of GodDaily prayerBaptismFastingAlmsgivingDrabshaBurzinqaPandamaSkandolaCosmologyHayyi RabbiWorld of LightManda d-HayyiYushaminAbaturPtahilShitilSam ZiwaBihram RabbaAdathanYadathanShilmaiNidbaiYawar ZiwaSimat HayyiYufin-YufafinGubranShihlunUrfeilMarfeilSaureilZihrunEtinsib ZiwaPiriawisTarwanYukasharShahratMalwashaNishimtaDinanukhtShishlamškinaMshunia KushtaAdam kasiaAdam pagriaShatrinHitfunWorld of DarknessSea of SufSiniawisMatartaZahreilAnathanZartai-ZartanaiParwanayaDehwa RabbaDehwa d-Shishlam RabbaDehwa DaimanaDehwa HaninaAbu al-HarisYardenaBeth MandaShkintaAndirunaPrayersSidra d-NishmataAsut MalkiaRushumaTabahatanShumhataBshumaSalem ChoheiliMandaeanMandaicMandaean priestsThe 1012 QuestionscodicesdiwansscrollsGuru Granth SahibSikhismuthrascubismprehistoric rock artligaturetalismansamuletsexorcismsrahmiaʿnianiarušumacolophonsMajid Fandi Al-MubarakitypesettedMandaic scriptMandaean peopleQolastālist of Qulasta prayersEnianiaThe Coronation of the Great ŠišlamScroll of AbaturScroll of the Great BaptismAlma RišaiaThe Wedding of the Great ŠišlamPišra ḏ-AiniaLead amuletslead amuletSchøyen CollectionOxfordLondonBodleian LibraryCodex Marsh. 691Thomas MarshallMandäische LiturgienHunt. 6BihramŠišlamBritish Library Syriac Manuscript CollectionBritish LibraryGinzasQueen VictoriaJ. E. TaylorYahia BihramJohn George TaylorMaṣbuta ḏ-Hibil ZiuaŠarh ḏ-Taraṣa ḏ-Taga ḏ-Šišlam RbaapotropaicMuhammerahBritish MuseumBibliothèque nationale de FranceGallicaJulius Heinrich PetermannMatthias NorbergHowaizaKhalafabadShadeganThe Marriage of the Great ŠišlamHibil ZiwaThe Book of the ZodiacVatican LibraryStrasbourgNeo-MandaicBuckleySan DiegoFlushing, New YorkLake Grove, New YorkLamea Abbas AmaraFlushingNasser SobbiColonieNiskayunaSinan AbdullahNasiriyahRafid al-SabtiNijmegenIndividual Mandaean priestsSahi BashikhMatthew MorgensternComprehensive Aramaic LexiconŠarḥ ḏ-Traṣa ḏ-Taga ḏ-Šišlam RbaShushtarŠarḥ Maṣbuta RbtiaIahia BihramDiwan Mhita u-AsutaAlf Trisar ŠuialiaDiwan Malkuta ElaitaDezfulMaṣbuta ḏ-Hibil ZiwaHaran GauaitaTafsir u-Afrašta KasitaDraša ḏ-YahiaSigia ḏ-DihbaiiaOxford UniversityE. S. DrowerSidra ḏ-NišmataShaikh NejmRam ZihrunJacques de MorganoblationsdrabšaAmarah1012 QuestionsKurt RudolphBaghdadAbdallahQal‛at SalehŠafta ḏ-Pišra ḏ-AiniaGinza Rbacult-hutmyrtleŠarḥ ḏ-Zihrun-Raza-KasiaNirighThe Marriage Ceremony of the Great ŠišlamShaikh AbdallahZahroun AmaraAnastase-Marie de Saint-ÉliemasbutasHuwaizaKhuzistanMorgensternMark LidzbarskiCarlos GelbertCharles G. HäberlJames F. McGrathEthel Stefana DrowerBiblioteca Apostolica VaticanaZDB-IDNicolas SiouffiJ. de MorganHermann ZotenbergHenri PognonRichard ReitzensteinJulius EutingTheodor NöldekeRudolf MacuchJorunn Jacobsen BuckleyJournal of Near Eastern StudiesWillis BarnstonePistis SophiaNag Hammadi libraryApocryphonIncantation bowlMandaic lead rollsNasoraia, Brikha H.S.Wayback MachineMorgenstern, MatthewARAM PeriodicalNasoraia, BrikhaHarrassowitz VerlagMandaean AmericansMandaean AustraliansMandaeans in SwedenEssenesKentaeansPriesthoodList of Mandaean priestsBibia MudalalAbdullah KhaffagiNegm bar ZahroonAbdullah bar NegmAbdullah bar SamTaleb DorajiKhaldoon Majid AbdullahYuhana NashmiSalwan AlkhamasMandaean Council of AhvazSabian Mandaean Association in AustraliaEnianaIncantation bowlsLead rollsPišra d-AiniaYardnaShkinaYasanaAdathan and YadathanUrfeil and MarfeilTar and TarwanYukabarMšihaDemonsHag and MagShamishElizabethHimianaMargnaBrakhaNamingBaghdad MandiGanzibra Dakhil MandiYahya Yuhana MandiWallacia MandiCalendarFeast of the Great ShishlamʿmbraṢilmiaSarṭanaŠumbultaHiṭiaAdam and EveRam and RudShurbai and SharhabeilAlphabetUnicode blockMandaean studiesOutline