Igor Lintchevski

In 1926–1930, he studied at the National University of Uzbekistan, then became assistant to the Vavilov Institute and collaborated with Mikhail Grigorevich Popov .He later moved to Almaty and worked in the Kazakh section in the Russian Academy of Sciences .From 1964 to 1971 he was the chief editor of the magazine dedicated to the Botanical Journal of the taxonomy of terrestrial plants ( "Новости систематики высших растений").[1] He has conducted extensive botanical expeditions in Central Asia between 1928 and 1932, in Kamchatka in 1935 and in the Urals between 1921 and 1927 [3] .As well as the Sino-Soviet expedition to Yunnan in 1956–1957 with scientists like Andrei Fyodorov, Moissey Kirpitchnikov and zoologists as VV Popov and entomologist Oleg Kryjanovski.
Saint PetersburgRussian EmpireRussiaSovietBotanyKomarov Botanical InstituteAuthor abbrev. (botany)RussianbotanistLeningradTashkentNational University of UzbekistanVavilov InstituteMikhail Grigorevich PopovAlmatyRussian Academy of SciencesMedal "For the Defence of Leningrad"author abbreviationcitingbotanical nameApiaceaeBupleurumPimenovAsteraceaeSteptorhamphusLamiaceaePerovskiaLeguminosaeOxytropisPlumbaginaceaeAcantholimonPoaceaeRoegneriaRosaceaeScrophulariaceaeOrobancheNovopokr.International Plant Names Index