Lin Lee
Lin Lee is from Xenoblade Chronicles X's fictional planet of Mira, a largely undeveloped alien world that the remnants of humanity has crash landed on in efforts to escape the destruction of Earth.[3] Despite the relatively serious setting and career choice, her character is still known for cracking jokes, specifically recurring allusions to cooking and eating team member Tatsu, an in-game creature of small stature called a "Nopon".[11] Morris sought to preserve Lin's characteristics as strong female figure in her portrayal, describing her as "super smart and very self-reliant... She can cook dinner and also kick your ass."[11] Morris's take on the character did however include using a deeper, older sounding voice for Lin, because it was believed that Western audiences would find the high-pitched Japanese version "grating".[13][20][21] The debate even inspired a response from Cassandra Morris, Lin's English voice actress who defended Nintendo's changes to the character in which she stated: "People are calling it censorship.