Liberal Party – Freedom to Choose

[6] Its platform is to promote individual freedom, entrepreneurship, and decision-making based on scientific research.[7] It aims to decrease prohibitive restrictions, such as limitations on opening hours of restaurants and strict licensing of taxis.[13] After the election, the party continued the practice of publicly serving free whiskey to attract signatures for support cards in the cities of Helsinki, Tampere, and Oulu.[7] On 11 February, it submitted its application to the Ministry of Justice, which maintains the political party register of Finland.[21] The Liberal Party participated in the municipal elections in 2017 in major cities and allowed as candidates anybody regardless of political experience.
Logo of the Whisky Party
FinnishSwedishChairpersonTampereYouth wingWomen's wingIdeologyClassical liberalismMarket liberalismEduskuntaEuropean ParliamentMunicipalitiesCounty seatsPolitics of FinlandPolitical partiesElectionsclassical-liberalentrepreneurship2015 parliamentary electionWhiskeyHelsinkiMinistry of JusticeSuomen Liberaalinen Puolue ryregistered associationLiberaalit rymunicipal elections in 2017HufvudstadsbladetMaaseudun TulevaisuusHelsingin SanomatLiberoIlta-SanomatKalevaTurun SanomatKeskisuomalainenDemokraattiUusi SuomiTalouselämäAamulehtiSatakunnan KansaLe NouvellisteSoundCloudPolitical parties in FinlandMembers of ParliamentNational Coalition PartyFinns PartySocial Democratic Party of FinlandCentre PartyGreen LeagueLeft AllianceSwedish People's Party of FinlandChristian DemocratsMovement NowCommunist Party of FinlandCrystal PartyFreedom AlliancePower Belongs to the PeopleThe Open PartyTruth PartyList of political parties