Les Maîtres du temps
Time Masters; Herrscher der Zeit in German; Az idő urai in Hungarian) is a 1982 independent animated science fiction film directed by René Laloux and designed by Mœbius.On Silbad's planet, they witness the metamorphosis of an organism into multiple empathic, sentient homunculi, two of whom, Yula and Jad, stow away on Jaffar's spacecraft seeking adventure.A patrol cruiser of the Interplanetary Reform catches up with Jaffar's ship, pursuing the royals and the treasure Matton stole.Jaffar's vessel is boarded, and as he presents the "captured" pirates and the fake treasure to the Reform commander, no one can converse with Piel, who begins to wander without supervision.Jaffar's crew later attempt to contact Piel, who has lost his transceiver and the hyponiterix inside a cave filled with predatory tentacles.At the time Perdide was displaced, Piel was nearly killed by the hornets before a passing spacefarer, who was investigating this recently appearing planet, came to his rescue.[3] The BBC (who were co-producers) aired an English-language dubbed version in 1987 and 1991 called Time Masters, featuring, amongst others, the voice of Ray Brooks.