Lateral thoracic artery

In the human body, the lateral thoracic artery (or external mammary artery) is a blood vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to approximately one-third of the lateral structures of the thorax and breast.Additionally, anatomical variations such as accessory or duplicated lateral thoracic arteries have been reported in medical literature.These variations can impact surgical procedures and diagnostic imaging interpretations.In case it is absent the lateral perforating branches of Intercostal arteries take its place.[5] This article incorporates text in the public domain from page 588 of the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918) and Gray's Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice, International Edition(2016).
Axillary arteryLateral thoracic veinSerratus anterior muscleAnatomical terminologyhuman bodyblood vesselthoraxbreastpectoralis minor musclepectoralis major musclepectoralis minoraxillaaxillary lymph nodessubscapularis muscleinternal thoracic arterysubscapularintercostal arteriesthoracoacromial arteryfemalebreastsarterymedical literaturesurgical proceduresdiagnostic imagingpublic domainGray's AnatomyArterieshuman armAxillarySuperior thoracic arterydeltoid branchSubscapular arteryscapular anastomosiscircumflex scapular arterythoracodorsal arteryanterior humeral circumflex arteryposterior humeral circumflex arteryBrachialcubital fossaprofunda brachiiradial collateralmedial collateralsuperiorinferiorRadial arteryradial recurrentDorsal carpal branchdorsal carpal archPalmar carpal branchdeep palmar archSuperficial palmar branchprinceps pollicisradialis indicis arterysuperficial palmar archMedian arteryUlnar arteryanteriorposteriorcommon interosseousinterosseous recurrentdorsal metacarpaldorsal digitalPalmar carpal archcommon palmar digitalproper palmar digitalpalmar metacarpal