Last Word

Last Word is a radio obituary series broadcast weekly on BBC Radio 4.Each week, the lives of recently-deceased famous people are summarised with narration and interviews with people who knew them.It is normally presented by Matthew Bannister, although occasionally it has been presented by others, including Kate Silverton and Julian Worricker.[1] On 29 September 2006, a biography of American songwriter Paul Vance (1929–2022) was broadcast, including an interview with Vance himself, after his death was announced in the media by mistake.This BBC Radio–related article is a stub.
The Last WordEnglishBBC Radio 4Matthew BannisterobituaryKate SilvertonJulian WorrickerPaul VanceReynolds, GillianProgrammesBunk BedDead RingersEd Reardon's WeekI'm Sorry I Haven't a ClueThe Infinite Monkey CageJohn Finnemore's Souvenir ProgrammeJust a MinuteMark Steel's in TownMeet David SedarisThe Museum of CuriosityThe News QuizThe Now ShowThe SkewerThe Unbelievable TruthThe ArchersBBC National Short Story AwardBook at BedtimeSaturday DramaShort WorksA Good ReadBook of the WeekBookclubBrain of BritainCounterpointDesert Island DiscsLoose EndsPick of the WeekPoetry PleaseRound Britain QuizSaturday LiveThe 3rd DegreeThe Poet Laureate Has Gone to His ShedWith Great PleasureAll in the MindAnalysisArchive on 4The Bottom LineCase NotesCosting the EarthCrossing ContinentsFeedbackThe Food ProgrammeFront RowGardeners' Question TimeGreat LivesIn BusinessIn Our TimeIn TouchInside HealthInside ScienceThe Kitchen CabinetThe Life ScientificThe Listening ProjectThe Media ShowMoney BoxMoral MazeMore or LessOpen BookReith LecturesSoul MusicStart the WeekThe ReunionThinking AllowedTweet of the DayUncannyWoman's HourWord of MouthYou and YoursAny Answers?Any Questions?Broadcasting HouseFarming TodayFile on 4From Our Own CorrespondentToday in ParliamentThe Westminster HourThe World at OneThe World TonightBells on SundayBeyond BeliefThe Daily ServicePrayer for the DaySomething UnderstoodSundayThought for the DayRadio 4 AppealShipping ForecastTest Match SpecialRadio 4 UK ThemeSailing ByGreenwich Time SignalBBC Home ServiceRadio 4 News FMBBC Radio 4 ExtraTimeline of BBC Radio 4BBC Radio