Lake Anneen

[1] The lake is roughly 120 square kilometres (46 sq mi) in area, and consists of a main waterbody with two elongate arms.The main waterbody is roughly rectangular, with its long side oriented along a north-westerly axis.A narrow arm, essentially a network of anastomosing creeks, arises from near the eastern edge, stretching north almost to Meekatharra; the lake receives inflow from this arm and also some smaller creeks on the west and north side.Drainage is via the other arm, which arises from near the western edge and reaches almost to headwaters of the Hope River, into which Lake Anneen flows following heavy rains.It is also an important refuge for other waterbirds, the nearest adjacent wetland, Wooleen Lake, being nearly 200 kilometres (124 mi) away.
Western AustraliaSalt lakeMid WestMeekatharraanastomosingHope RiverGreat Northern HighwayGelochelidon niloticaChlidonias hybridusWooleen Lakeghost townNanninesailboardingpastoralGazetteer of AustraliaGeoscience AustraliaDepartment of Conservation and Land Management