LGBTQ history in Brazil
This article is intended to give an overview of the history of LGBT rights in Brazil.
1960s 1970s
History of Brazil
Miller Atlas
Marajoara culture
Colonial Brazil
Treaty of Tordesillas
Pedro Álvares Cabral's voyage
European discovery
Letter of Pero Vaz de Caminha
Sugar cycle
Slave trade
State of Brazil
France Antarctique
Jesuit missions
Quilombo dos Palmares
France Equinoxiale
Dutch invasions
Dutch Brazil
Gold cycle
War of the Emboabas
Mascate War
Vila Rica Revolt
Spanish–Portuguese War (1735–1737)
Treaty of Madrid
Guaraní War
Spanish–Portuguese War (1776–1777)
Minas Gerais Conspiracy
Transfer of the Portuguese court to Brazil
Invasion of the Banda Oriental
United Kingdom with Portugal
Pernambuco Revolt
Conquest of French Guiana
Conquest of the Banda Oriental
Constituent Cortes of 1820
Dia do Fico
War of Independence
Recognition of Independence
Empire of Brazil
Reign of Pedro I
1823 Constituent Assembly
Night of Agony
1824 Constitution
Confederation of the Equator
Cisplatine War
Abdication of Pedro I
Regency Period
April Revolt
1834 Additional Act
Malê Revolt
Ragamuffin War
Declaration of majority of Pedro II
Reign of Pedro II
Liberal rebellions of 1842
Praieira revolt
Coffee cycle
Eusébio de Queirós Law
Platine War
Christie Affair
Uruguayan War
Paraguayan War
Religious Issue
Revolt of the Muckers
Grande Seca
Military Question
Abolition of Slavery
Post–abolition of slavery
Old Republic
Proclamation of the Republic
1891 Constitution
Navy Revolts
Federalist Revolution
Belle Époque
Coffee with milk politics
Amazon rubber boom
War of Canudos
Annexation of Acre
Vaccine Revolt
Taubaté Agreement
Naval arms race
Revolt of the Lash
Contestado War
World War I
Lieutenant revolts
Vargas Era
Revolution of 1930
Constitutionalist Revolution
1934 Constitution
Communist uprising of 1935
Estado Novo
1937 Brazilian coup d'état
1937 Constitution
Integralist Uprising
World War II
Ousting of Getúlio Vargas
Populist Republic
Lott's preventative coup
Aragarças Revolt
Construction of Brasília
Legality Campaign
Plano Trienal
Sailors' Revolt
Military dictatorship
1964 Brazilian coup d'état
Vacancy in the Presidency
Institutional Acts
Araguaia Guerrilla War
March of the One Hundred Thousand
Brazilian Miracle
Diretas Já
New Republic
1988 Constituent Assembly
1988 Constitution
Plano Collor
1993 Constitutional referendum
Plano Real