Klingon grammar
The grammar of the Klingon language was created by Marc Okrand for the Star Trek franchise.The Klingon language has a number of unusual grammatical features, as it was designed to sound and seem alien, but it has an extremely regular morphology.[3] DoʼfortunatelyDujship-+DaqLOCghoqwIʼspySamfindlaʼcommanderDoʼ Duj - Daq ghoqwIʼ Sam laʼfortunately ship + LOC spy find commanderFortunately, the commander found the spy aboard the shipSentences can be treated as objects, and the word ʼeʼ is placed after the sentence.vengcity-+HomDIM-+meyPL-+qoqDUB-+chajtheir-+DaqLOCveng - Hom - mey - qoq - chaj - Daqcity + DIM + PL + DUB + their + LOCin their so-called villagesThis type has three suffixes: ghomgroup→ ghomʼaʼcrowdghom → ghomʼaʼgroup {} crowdyuQplanet→ yuQHomplanetoidyuQ → yuQHomplanet {} planetoidvavfather→ vavoydaddyvav → vavoyfather {} daddyghubaby→ ghuʼoydear babyghu → ghuʼoybaby {} {dear baby}This type of suffix forms plurals.qetwIʼrunner→ qetwIʼpuʼrunnersqetwIʼ → qetwIʼpuʼrunner {} runnersghophand→ ghopDuʼhandsghop → ghopDuʼhand {} handsquSchair→ quSmeychairsquS → quSmeychair {} chairsghotperson→ ghotmeypeople all over the placeghot → ghotmeyperson {} {people all over the place}A noun does not require a plural suffix if a pronoun, pronominal prefix, or context serves to indicate that it is plural,[10] or if it is being used in conjunction with a number.There are three suffixes: QaHthe help→ QaHqoqthe so-called helpQaH → QaHqoq{the help} {} {the so-called help}choHchange→ choHHeyapparent changechoH → choHHeychange {} {apparent change}jupfriend→ jupnaʼtrue friendjup → jupnaʼfriend {} {true friend}This type of suffix indicates possession or specifies which object is referred to.For first- and second-person possessors, there are different forms depending on whether the "object" is a being capable of using language.juHmajour home→ juHmajDaqin our homejuHmaj → juHmajDaq{our home} {} {in our home}qojcliff→ qojvoʼaway from the cliffqoj → qojvoʼcliff {} {away from the cliff}ghuʼsituation→ ghuʼmoʼbecause of the situationghuʼ → ghuʼmoʼsituation {} {because of the situation}jeʼwIʼbuyer→ jeʼwIʼvaDto/for the buyerjeʼwIʼ → jeʼwIʼvaDbuyer {} {to/for the buyer}Klingon verbs mark for aspect but not for tense, which is indicated where necessary by context and by time adverbs.[18] The presentation of the verb stem as an infinitive in this article's example sentences is just to show the individual morphemes.* Expressed with the type-5 verb suffix -luʼPrefixes must be present even if the nouns or pronouns they reference are declared explicitly.chojaʼYou tell me→ chojaʼnISYou need to tell mechojaʼ → chojaʼnIS{You tell me} {} {You need to tell me}lungevThey sell it→ lungevqangThey are willing to sell itlungev → lungevqang{They sell it} {} {They are willing to sell it}ghuʼ pojHe/She analyzes the situation→ ghuʼ pojrupHe/She is ready to analyze the situation{ghuʼ poj} → {ghuʼ pojrup}{He/She analyzes the situation} {} {He/She is ready to analyze the situation}ghoghlIj qonIt records your voice→ ghoghlIj qonbeHIt is ready to record your voice{ghoghlIj qon} → {ghoghlIj qonbeH}{It records your voice} {} {It is ready to record your voice}bImejYou leave→ bImejvIpYou are afraid to leavebImej → bImejvIp{You leave} {} {You are afraid to leave}This type of suffix describes the action of the verb.[24] Examples: muchpresentationbejwatch-+luʼINDF SBJmuch bej - luʼpresentation watch + {INDF SBJ}the presentation is watched, someone watches the presentation [Note 1]vII-it-+tlhaʼchase-+luʼINDF SBJvI - tlhaʼ - luʼI-it + chase + {INDF SBJ}I am chased, someone chases mevII-it-+bomsing-+laHable tovI - bom - laHI-it + sing + {able to}I can sing itThis type indicates the speaker's opinion of the action of the verb.qaSIt occurs→ qaSpuʼIt has occurredqaS → qaSpuʼ{It occurs} {} {It has occurred}vIghorI break it→ vIghorpuʼI have broken itvIghor → vIghorpuʼ{I break it} {} {I have broken it}Qu' QIjShe explains the mission→ Qu' QIjtaʼShe has explained the mission{Qu' QIj} → {Qu' QIjtaʼ}{She explains the mission} {} {She has explained the mission}vIghorI break it→ vIghortaʼI have broken it (on purpose)vIghor → vIghortaʼ{I break it} {} {I have broken it (on purpose)}jItlhuHI breathe→ jItlhuHtaHI keep breathingjItlhuH → jItlhuHtaH{I breathe} {} {I keep breathing}megh vIvutI prepare lunch→ megh vIvutlIʼI am preparing lunch{megh vIvut} → {megh vIvutlIʼ}{I prepare lunch} {} {I am preparing lunch}The perfective aspect can also be indicated by the use of the verb form rIntaH after the main verb.[32] Time Cause and effect (Relative and purpose clauses) This type of suffix is known as a lengwIʼ in Klingon, which is translated as rover (leng wander + wIʼ).wInaDWe praise it→ wInaDbeʼWe do not praise itwInaD → wInaDbeʼ{We praise it} {} {We do not praise it}boʼollaHYou are able to verify it→ boʼollaHbeʼYou are not able to verify itboʼollaH → boʼollaHbeʼ{You are able to verify it} {} {You are not able to verify it}yIQIpBe stupid→ yIQIpQoʼdon't be stupidyIQIp → yIQIpQoʼ{Be stupid} {} {don't be stupid}vIlonI abandon it→ vIlonQoʼI refuse to abandon itvIlon → vIlonQoʼ{I abandon it} {} {I refuse to abandon it}narghqangHe is willing to escape→ narghqangquʼHe is really willing to escapenarghqang → narghqangquʼ{He is willing to escape} {} {He is really willing to escape}yIchuʼActivate it→ yIchuʼHaʼDe-activate ityIchuʼ → yIchuʼHaʼ{Activate it} {} {De-activate it}boloʼyou (plural) use it→ boloʼHaʼyou (pl.)misuse it}bIQuchYou are happy→ bIQuchHaʼYou are unhappybIQuch → bIQuchHaʼ{You are happy} {} {You are unhappy}The position of the rover suffixes affects the meaning of the word.A third-person subject that is not a pronoun must go after the pronoun-verb and carry the type-5 noun suffix -ʼeʼ[37] Examples: Klingon does not have adjectives as a distinct part of speech.[41] wa'leStomorrowghaytanlikelynuthey-us-+jatlhspeakwa'leS ghaytan nu - jatlhtomorrow likely they-us + speakThey will probably speak to us tomorrow.Adverbs can take the rover suffix -Haʼ to denote the opposite adverbial.[44] chuSto be noisySajpetngevsell-+boghRELghotperson-+-ʼeʼFOCchuS Saj ngev - bogh ghot - -ʼeʼ{to be noisy} pet sell + REL person + FOCThe person who sells the pet is noisychuSbe noisySajpet++-ʼeʼFOCngevsell- boghRELghotpersonchuS Saj + -ʼeʼ ngev - bogh ghot{be noisy} pet + FOC sell {} REL personThe pet which the person sells is noisySince there is already a type-5 noun suffix marking the head noun, nothing other than the subject or the object can be marked as head noun.However, many (but not all) of the comparatives have unusual word orders that don't parse as regular Klingon sentences.For example, chorghmaH eighty is a combination of the word chorgh eight and the number forming suffix -maH ten.